Source code for redbot.core.config

import asyncio
import json
import logging
import pickle
import weakref
from typing import (

import discord

from ._drivers import BaseDriver, ConfigCategory, IdentifierData, get_driver

__all__ = (

log = logging.getLogger("red.config")

_T = TypeVar("_T")

_config_cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
_retrieved = weakref.WeakSet()

class ConfigMeta(type):
    We want to prevent re-initializing existing config instances while having a singleton

    def __call__(
        cog_name: str,
        unique_identifier: str,
        driver: BaseDriver,
        force_registration: bool = False,
        defaults: dict = None,
        if cog_name is None:
            raise ValueError("You must provide either the cog instance or a cog name.")

        key = (cog_name, unique_identifier)
        if key in _config_cache:
            return _config_cache[key]

        instance = super(ConfigMeta, cls).__call__(
            cog_name, unique_identifier, driver, force_registration, defaults
        _config_cache[key] = instance
        return instance

def get_latest_confs() -> Tuple["Config"]:
    global _retrieved
    ret = set(_config_cache.values()) - set(_retrieved)
    _retrieved |= ret
    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    return tuple(ret)

class _ValueCtxManager(Awaitable[_T], AsyncContextManager[_T]):  # pylint: disable=duplicate-bases
    """Context manager implementation of config values.

    This class allows mutable config values to be both "get" and "set" from
    within an async context manager.

    The context manager can only be used to get and set a mutable data type,
    i.e. `dict`s or `list`s. This is because this class's ``raw_value``
    attribute must contain a reference to the object being modified within the
    context manager.

    It should also be noted that the use of this context manager implies
    the acquisition of the value's lock when the ``acquire_lock`` kwarg
    to ``__init__`` is set to ``True``.

    def __init__(self, value_obj: "Value", coro: Awaitable[Any], *, acquire_lock: bool):
        self.value_obj = value_obj
        self.coro = coro
        self.raw_value = None
        self.__original_value = None
        self.__acquire_lock = acquire_lock
        self.__lock = self.value_obj.get_lock()

    def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, _T]:
        return self.coro.__await__()

    async def __aenter__(self) -> _T:
        if self.__acquire_lock is True:
            await self.__lock.acquire()
        self.raw_value = await self
        if not isinstance(self.raw_value, (list, dict)):
            raise TypeError(
                "Type of retrieved value must be mutable (i.e. "
                "list or dict) in order to use a config value as "
                "a context manager."
        self.__original_value = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self.raw_value, -1))
        return self.raw_value

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
            if isinstance(self.raw_value, dict):
                raw_value = _str_key_dict(self.raw_value)
                raw_value = self.raw_value
            if raw_value != self.__original_value:
                await self.value_obj.set(self.raw_value)
            if self.__acquire_lock is True:

[docs]class Value: """A singular "value" of data. This class should not be instantiated directly - you should get instances of this class through methods and attribute lookup on instances of `Config` and `Group`. Attributes ---------- identifier_data : IdentifierData Information on identifiers for this value. default The default value for the data element that `identifiers` points at. """ def __init__(self, identifier_data: IdentifierData, default_value, driver, config: "Config"): self.identifier_data = identifier_data self.default = default_value self._driver = driver self._config = config
[docs] def get_lock(self) -> asyncio.Lock: """Get a lock to create a critical region where this value is accessed. When using this lock, make sure you either use it with the ``async with`` syntax, or if that's not feasible, ensure you keep a reference to it from the acquisition to the release of the lock. That is, if you can't use ``async with`` syntax, use the lock like this:: lock = await lock.acquire() # Do stuff... lock.release() Do not use it like this:: await # Do stuff... Doing it the latter way will likely cause an error, as the acquired lock will be cleaned up by the garbage collector before it is released, meaning the second call to ``get_lock()`` will return a different lock to the first call. Returns ------- asyncio.Lock A lock which is weakly cached for this value object. """ return self._config._lock_cache.setdefault(self.identifier_data, asyncio.Lock())
async def _get(self, default=...): try: ret = await self._driver.get(self.identifier_data) except KeyError: return default if default is not ... else self.default return ret
[docs] def __call__(self, default=..., *, acquire_lock: bool = True) -> _ValueCtxManager[Any]: """Get the literal value of this data element. Each `Value` object is created by the `Group.__getattr__` method. The "real" data of the `Value` object is accessed by this method. It is a replacement for a :code:`get()` method. The return value of this method can also be used as an asynchronous context manager, i.e. with :code:`async with` syntax. This can only be used on values which are mutable (namely lists and dicts), and will set the value with its changes on exit of the context manager. It will also acquire this value's lock to protect the critical region inside this context manager's body, unless the ``acquire_lock`` keyword argument is set to ``False``. Example ------- :: foo = await config.guild(some_guild).foo() # Is equivalent to this group_obj = config.guild(some_guild) value_obj = foo = await value_obj() .. important:: This is now, for all intents and purposes, a coroutine. Parameters ---------- default : `object`, optional This argument acts as an override for the registered default provided by `default`. This argument is ignored if its value is :code:`...`. Other Parameters ---------------- acquire_lock : bool Set to ``False`` to disable the acquisition of the value's lock over the context manager body. Defaults to ``True``. Has no effect when not used as a context manager. Returns ------- `awaitable` mixed with `asynchronous context manager` A coroutine object mixed in with an async context manager. When awaited, this returns the raw data value. When used in :code:`async with` syntax, on gets the value on entrance, and sets it on exit. """ return _ValueCtxManager(self, self._get(default), acquire_lock=acquire_lock)
[docs] async def set(self, value): """Set the value of the data elements pointed to by `identifiers`. Example ------- :: # Sets global value "foo" to False await # Sets guild specific value of "bar" to True await config.guild(some_guild).bar.set(True) Parameters ---------- value The new literal value of this attribute. """ if isinstance(value, dict): value = _str_key_dict(value) await self._driver.set(self.identifier_data, value=value)
[docs] async def clear(self): """ Clears the value from record for the data element pointed to by `identifiers`. """ await self._driver.clear(self.identifier_data)
[docs]class Group(Value): """ Represents a group of data, composed of more `Group` or `Value` objects. Inherits from `Value` which means that all of the attributes and methods available in `Value` are also available when working with a `Group` object. This class should not be instantiated directly - you should get instances of this class through methods and attribute lookup on instances of `Config` and `Group`. Attributes ---------- defaults : `dict` All registered default values for this Group. force_registration : `bool` Same as `Config.force_registration`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, identifier_data: IdentifierData, defaults: dict, driver, config: "Config", force_registration: bool = False, ): self._defaults = defaults self.force_registration = force_registration self._driver = driver super().__init__(identifier_data, {}, self._driver, config)
@property def defaults(self): return pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self._defaults, -1)) async def _get(self, default: Dict[str, Any] = ...) -> Dict[str, Any]: default = default if default is not ... else self.defaults raw = await super()._get(default) if isinstance(raw, dict): return self.nested_update(raw, default) else: return raw # noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Union["Group", Value]: """Get an attribute of this group. This special method is called whenever dot notation is used on this object. Parameters ---------- item : str The name of the attribute being accessed. Returns ------- `Group` or `Value` A child value of this Group. This, of course, can be another `Group`, due to Config's composite pattern. Raises ------ AttributeError If the attribute has not been registered and `force_registration` is set to :code:`True`. """ is_group = self.is_group(item) is_value = not is_group and self.is_value(item) new_identifiers = self.identifier_data.get_child(item) if is_group: return Group( identifier_data=new_identifiers, defaults=self._defaults[item], driver=self._driver, force_registration=self.force_registration, config=self._config, ) elif is_value: return Value( identifier_data=new_identifiers, default_value=self._defaults[item], driver=self._driver, config=self._config, ) elif self.force_registration: raise AttributeError("'{}' is not a valid registered Group or value.".format(item)) else: return Value( identifier_data=new_identifiers, default_value=None, driver=self._driver, config=self._config, )
[docs] async def clear_raw(self, *nested_path: Any): """ Allows a developer to clear data as if it was stored in a standard Python dictionary. For example:: await config.clear_raw("foo", "bar") # is equivalent to data = {"foo": {"bar": None}} del data["foo"]["bar"] Parameters ---------- nested_path : Any Multiple arguments that mirror the arguments passed in for nested dict access. These are casted to `str` for you. """ path = tuple(str(p) for p in nested_path) identifier_data = self.identifier_data.get_child(*path) await self._driver.clear(identifier_data)
[docs] def is_group(self, item: Any) -> bool: """A helper method for `__getattr__`. Most developers will have no need to use this. Parameters ---------- item : Any See `__getattr__`. """ default = self._defaults.get(str(item)) return isinstance(default, dict)
[docs] def is_value(self, item: Any) -> bool: """A helper method for `__getattr__`. Most developers will have no need to use this. Parameters ---------- item : Any See `__getattr__`. """ try: default = self._defaults[str(item)] except KeyError: return False return not isinstance(default, dict)
[docs] def get_attr(self, item: Union[int, str]): """Manually get an attribute of this Group. This is available to use as an alternative to using normal Python attribute access. It may be required if you find a need for dynamic attribute access. Example ------- A possible use case:: @commands.command() async def some_command(self, ctx, item: str): user = # Where the value of item is the name of the data field in Config await ctx.send(await self.config.user(user).get_attr(item).foo()) Parameters ---------- item : str The name of the data field in `Config`. This is casted to `str` for you. Returns ------- `Value` or `Group` The attribute which was requested. """ if isinstance(item, int): item = str(item) return self.__getattr__(item)
[docs] async def get_raw(self, *nested_path: Any, default=...): """ Allows a developer to access data as if it was stored in a standard Python dictionary. For example:: d = await config.get_raw("foo", "bar") # is equivalent to data = {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}} d = data["foo"]["bar"] Note ---- If retrieving a sub-group, the return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set. Parameters ---------- nested_path : str Multiple arguments that mirror the arguments passed in for nested dict access. These are casted to `str` for you. default Default argument for the value attempting to be accessed. If the value does not exist the default will be returned. Returns ------- Any The value of the path requested. Raises ------ KeyError If the value does not exist yet in Config's internal storage. """ path = tuple(str(p) for p in nested_path) if default is ...: poss_default = self.defaults for ident in path: try: poss_default = poss_default[ident] except KeyError: break else: default = poss_default identifier_data = self.identifier_data.get_child(*path) try: raw = await self._driver.get(identifier_data) except KeyError: if default is not ...: return default raise else: if isinstance(default, dict): return self.nested_update(raw, default) return raw
[docs] def all(self, *, acquire_lock: bool = True) -> _ValueCtxManager[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get a dictionary representation of this group's data. The return value of this method can also be used as an asynchronous context manager, i.e. with :code:`async with` syntax. Note ---- The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set. Other Parameters ---------------- acquire_lock : bool Same as the ``acquire_lock`` keyword parameter in `Value.__call__`. Returns ------- dict All of this Group's attributes, resolved as raw data values. """ return self(acquire_lock=acquire_lock)
[docs] def nested_update( self, current:, defaults: Dict[str, Any] = ... ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Robust updater for nested dictionaries If no defaults are passed, then the instance attribute 'defaults' will be used. """ if defaults is ...: defaults = self.defaults for key, value in current.items(): if isinstance(value, result = self.nested_update(value, defaults.get(key, {})) defaults[key] = result else: defaults[key] = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(current[key], -1)) return defaults
[docs] async def set(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise ValueError("You may only set the value of a group to be a dict.") await super().set(value)
[docs] async def set_raw(self, *nested_path: Any, value): """ Allows a developer to set data as if it was stored in a standard Python dictionary. For example:: await config.set_raw("foo", "bar", value="baz") # is equivalent to data = {"foo": {"bar": None}} data["foo"]["bar"] = "baz" Parameters ---------- nested_path : Any Multiple arguments that mirror the arguments passed in for nested `dict` access. These are casted to `str` for you. value The value to store. """ path = tuple(str(p) for p in nested_path) identifier_data = self.identifier_data.get_child(*path) if isinstance(value, dict): value = _str_key_dict(value) await self._driver.set(identifier_data, value=value)
[docs]class Config(metaclass=ConfigMeta): """Configuration manager for cogs and Red. You should always use `get_conf` to instantiate a Config object. Use `get_core_conf` for Config used in the core package. .. important:: Most config data should be accessed through its respective group method (e.g. :py:meth:`guild`) however the process for accessing global data is a bit different. There is no :python:`global` method because global data is accessed by normal attribute access:: await Attributes ---------- cog_name : `str` The name of the cog that has requested a `Config` object. unique_identifier : `int` Unique identifier provided to differentiate cog data when name conflicts occur. force_registration : `bool` Determines whether `Config` should throw an error (`AttributeError`) when attempting to access an attribute which has not been previously registered. Note ---- **You should use this.** By enabling force registration you give Config the ability to alert you instantly if you've made a typo when attempting to access data. """ GLOBAL = "GLOBAL" GUILD = "GUILD" CHANNEL = "TEXTCHANNEL" ROLE = "ROLE" USER = "USER" MEMBER = "MEMBER" def __init__( self, cog_name: str, unique_identifier: str, driver: BaseDriver, force_registration: bool = False, defaults: dict = None, ): self.cog_name = cog_name self.unique_identifier = unique_identifier self._driver = driver self.force_registration = force_registration self._defaults = defaults or {} self.custom_groups: Dict[str, int] = {} self._lock_cache: MutableMapping[ IdentifierData, asyncio.Lock ] = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() @property def defaults(self): return pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self._defaults, -1))
[docs] @classmethod def get_conf( cls, cog_instance, identifier: int, force_registration=False, cog_name=None, allow_old: bool = False, ): """Get a Config instance for your cog. .. warning:: If you are using this classmethod to get a second instance of an existing Config object for a particular cog, you MUST provide the correct identifier. If you do not, you *will* screw up all other Config instances for that cog. Parameters ---------- cog_instance This is an instance of your cog after it has been instantiated. If you're calling this method from within your cog's :code:`__init__`, this is just :code:`self`. identifier : int A (hard-coded) random integer, used to keep your data distinct from any other cog with the same name. force_registration : `bool`, optional Should config require registration of data keys before allowing you to get/set values? See `force_registration`. cog_name : str, optional Config normally uses ``cog_instance`` to determine the name of your cog. If you wish you may pass ``None`` to ``cog_instance`` and directly specify the name of your cog here. Returns ------- Config A new Config object. """ if allow_old: log.warning( "DANGER! This is getting an outdated driver. " "Hopefully this is only being done from convert" ) uuid = str(identifier) if cog_name is None: cog_name = type(cog_instance).__name__ driver = get_driver(cog_name, uuid, allow_old=allow_old) if hasattr(driver, "migrate_identifier"): driver.migrate_identifier(identifier) conf = cls( cog_name=cog_name, unique_identifier=uuid, force_registration=force_registration, driver=driver, ) return conf
[docs] @classmethod def get_core_conf(cls, force_registration: bool = False, allow_old: bool = False): """Get a Config instance for the core bot. All core modules that require a config instance should use this classmethod instead of `get_conf`. Parameters ---------- force_registration : `bool`, optional See `force_registration`. """ return cls.get_conf( None, cog_name="Core", identifier=0, force_registration=force_registration, allow_old=allow_old, )
def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Union[Group, Value]: """Same as `group.__getattr__` except for global data. Parameters ---------- item : str The attribute you want to get. Returns ------- `Group` or `Value` The value for the attribute you want to retrieve Raises ------ AttributeError If there is no global attribute by the given name and `force_registration` is set to :code:`True`. """ global_group = self._get_base_group(self.GLOBAL) return getattr(global_group, item) @staticmethod def _get_defaults_dict(key: str, value) -> dict: """ Since we're allowing nested config stuff now, not storing the _defaults as a flat dict sounds like a good idea. May turn out to be an awful one but we'll see. """ ret = {} partial = ret splitted = key.split("__") for i, k in enumerate(splitted, start=1): if not k.isidentifier(): raise RuntimeError("'{}' is an invalid config key.".format(k)) if i == len(splitted): partial[k] = value else: partial[k] = {} partial = partial[k] return ret @staticmethod def _update_defaults(to_add: Dict[str, Any], _partial: Dict[str, Any]): """ This tries to update the _defaults dictionary with the nested partial dict generated by _get_defaults_dict. This WILL throw an error if you try to have both a value and a group registered under the same name. """ for k, v in to_add.items(): val_is_dict = isinstance(v, dict) if k in _partial: existing_is_dict = isinstance(_partial[k], dict) if val_is_dict != existing_is_dict: # != is XOR raise KeyError("You cannot register a Group and a Value under the same name.") if val_is_dict: Config._update_defaults(v, _partial=_partial[k]) else: _partial[k] = v else: _partial[k] = v def _register_default(self, key: str, **kwargs: Any): if key not in self._defaults: self._defaults[key] = {} # this serves as a 'deep copy' and verification that the default is serializable to JSON data = json.loads(json.dumps(kwargs)) for k, v in data.items(): to_add = self._get_defaults_dict(k, v) self._update_defaults(to_add, self._defaults[key])
[docs] def register_global(self, **kwargs): """Register default values for attributes you wish to store in `Config` at a global level. Examples -------- You can register a single value or multiple values:: config.register_global( foo=True ) config.register_global( bar=False, baz=None ) You can also now register nested values:: _defaults = { "foo": { "bar": True, "baz": False } } # Will register `` == True and `foo.baz` == False config.register_global( **_defaults ) You can do the same thing without a :python:`_defaults` dict by using double underscore as a variable name separator:: # This is equivalent to the previous example config.register_global( foo__bar=True, foo__baz=False ) """ self._register_default(self.GLOBAL, **kwargs)
[docs] def register_guild(self, **kwargs): """Register default values on a per-guild level. See `register_global` for more details. """ self._register_default(self.GUILD, **kwargs)
[docs] def register_channel(self, **kwargs): """Register default values on a per-channel level. See `register_global` for more details. """ # We may need to add a voice channel category later self._register_default(self.CHANNEL, **kwargs)
[docs] def register_role(self, **kwargs): """Registers default values on a per-role level. See `register_global` for more details. """ self._register_default(self.ROLE, **kwargs)
[docs] def register_user(self, **kwargs): """Registers default values on a per-user level. This means that each user's data is guild-independent. See `register_global` for more details. """ self._register_default(self.USER, **kwargs)
[docs] def register_member(self, **kwargs): """Registers default values on a per-member level. This means that each user's data is guild-dependent. See `register_global` for more details. """ self._register_default(self.MEMBER, **kwargs)
[docs] def register_custom(self, group_identifier: str, **kwargs): """Registers default values for a custom group. See `register_global` for more details. """ self._register_default(group_identifier, **kwargs)
[docs] def init_custom(self, group_identifier: str, identifier_count: int): """ Initializes a custom group for usage. This method must be called first! """ if identifier_count != self.custom_groups.setdefault(group_identifier, identifier_count): raise ValueError( f"Cannot change identifier count of already registered group: {group_identifier}" )
def _get_base_group(self, category: str, *primary_keys: str) -> Group: """ .. warning:: :code:`Config._get_base_group()` should not be used to get config groups as this is not a safe operation. Using this could end up corrupting your config file. """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker pkey_len, is_custom = ConfigCategory.get_pkey_info(category, self.custom_groups) identifier_data = IdentifierData( cog_name=self.cog_name, uuid=self.unique_identifier, category=category, primary_key=primary_keys, identifiers=(), primary_key_len=pkey_len, is_custom=is_custom, ) if len(primary_keys) < identifier_data.primary_key_len: # Don't mix in defaults with groups higher than the document level defaults = {} else: defaults = self.defaults.get(category, {}) return Group( identifier_data=identifier_data, defaults=defaults, driver=self._driver, force_registration=self.force_registration, config=self, )
[docs] def guild_from_id(self, guild_id: int) -> Group: """Returns a `Group` for the given guild id. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int A guild id. Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The guild's Group object. Raises ------ TypeError If the given guild_id parameter is not of type int """ if type(guild_id) is not int: raise TypeError(f"guild_id should be of type int, not {guild_id.__class__.__name__}") return self._get_base_group(self.GUILD, str(guild_id))
[docs] def guild(self, guild: discord.Guild) -> Group: """Returns a `Group` for the given guild. Parameters ---------- guild : discord.Guild A guild object. Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The guild's Group object. """ return self._get_base_group(self.GUILD, str(
[docs] def channel_from_id(self, channel_id: int) -> Group: """Returns a `Group` for the given channel id. This does not discriminate between text and voice channels. Parameters ---------- channel_id : int A channel id. Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The channel's Group object. Raises ------ TypeError If the given channel_id parameter is not of type int """ if type(channel_id) is not int: raise TypeError( f"channel_id should be of type int, not {channel_id.__class__.__name__}" ) return self._get_base_group(self.CHANNEL, str(channel_id))
[docs] def channel(self, channel: Union[, discord.Thread]) -> Group: """Returns a `Group` for the given channel. This does not discriminate between text and voice channels. Parameters ---------- channel : `` or `discord.Thread` A channel object. Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The channel's Group object. """ return self._get_base_group(self.CHANNEL, str(
[docs] def role_from_id(self, role_id: int) -> Group: """Returns a `Group` for the given role id. Parameters ---------- role_id : int A role id. Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The role's Group object. Raises ------ TypeError If the given role_id parameter is not of type int """ if type(role_id) is not int: raise TypeError(f"role_id should be of type int, not {role_id.__class__.__name__}") return self._get_base_group(self.ROLE, str(role_id))
[docs] def role(self, role: discord.Role) -> Group: """Returns a `Group` for the given role. Parameters ---------- role : discord.Role A role object. Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The role's Group object. """ return self._get_base_group(self.ROLE, str(
[docs] def user_from_id(self, user_id: int) -> Group: """Returns a `Group` for the given user id. Parameters ---------- user_id : int The user's id Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The user's Group object. Raises ------ TypeError If the given user_id parameter is not of type int """ if type(user_id) is not int: raise TypeError(f"user_id should be of type int, not {user_id.__class__.__name__}") return self._get_base_group(self.USER, str(user_id))
[docs] def user(self, user: -> Group: """Returns a `Group` for the given user. Parameters ---------- user : A user object. Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The user's Group object. """ return self._get_base_group(self.USER, str(
[docs] def member_from_ids(self, guild_id: int, member_id: int) -> Group: """Returns a `Group` for the ids which represent a member. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int The id of the guild of the member member_id : int The id of the member Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The member's Group object. Raises ------ TypeError If the given guild_id or member_id parameter is not of type int """ if type(guild_id) is not int: raise TypeError(f"guild_id should be of type int, not {guild_id.__class__.__name__}") if type(member_id) is not int: raise TypeError(f"member_id should be of type int, not {member_id.__class__.__name__}") return self._get_base_group(self.MEMBER, str(guild_id), str(member_id))
[docs] def member(self, member: discord.Member) -> Group: """Returns a `Group` for the given member. Parameters ---------- member : discord.Member A member object. Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The member's Group object. """ return self._get_base_group(self.MEMBER, str(, str(
[docs] def custom(self, group_identifier: str, *identifiers: str): """Returns a `Group` for the given custom group. Parameters ---------- group_identifier : str Used to identify the custom group. identifiers : str The attributes necessary to uniquely identify an entry in the custom group. These are casted to `str` for you. Returns ------- `Group <redbot.core.config.Group>` The custom group's Group object. """ if group_identifier not in self.custom_groups: raise ValueError(f"Group identifier not initialized: {group_identifier}") return self._get_base_group(str(group_identifier), *map(str, identifiers))
async def _all_from_scope(self, scope: str) -> Dict[int, Dict[Any, Any]]: """Get a dict of all values from a particular scope of data. :code:`scope` must be one of the constants attributed to this class, i.e. :code:`GUILD`, :code:`MEMBER` et cetera. IDs as keys in the returned dict are casted to `int` for convenience. Default values are also mixed into the data if they have not yet been overwritten. """ group = self._get_base_group(scope) ret = {} defaults = self.defaults.get(scope, {}) try: dict_ = await self._driver.get(group.identifier_data) except KeyError: pass else: for k, v in dict_.items(): data = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(defaults, -1)) data.update(v) ret[int(k)] = data return ret
[docs] async def all_guilds(self) -> dict: """Get all guild data as a dict. Note ---- The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set. Returns ------- dict A dictionary in the form {`int`: `dict`} mapping :code:`GUILD_ID -> data`. """ return await self._all_from_scope(self.GUILD)
[docs] async def all_channels(self) -> dict: """Get all channel data as a dict. Note ---- The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set. Returns ------- dict A dictionary in the form {`int`: `dict`} mapping :code:`CHANNEL_ID -> data`. """ return await self._all_from_scope(self.CHANNEL)
[docs] async def all_roles(self) -> dict: """Get all role data as a dict. Note ---- The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set. Returns ------- dict A dictionary in the form {`int`: `dict`} mapping :code:`ROLE_ID -> data`. """ return await self._all_from_scope(self.ROLE)
[docs] async def all_users(self) -> dict: """Get all user data as a dict. Note ---- The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set. Returns ------- dict A dictionary in the form {`int`: `dict`} mapping :code:`USER_ID -> data`. """ return await self._all_from_scope(self.USER)
def _all_members_from_guild(self, guild_data: dict) -> dict: ret = {} defaults = self.defaults.get(self.MEMBER, {}) for member_id, member_data in guild_data.items(): new_member_data = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(defaults, -1)) new_member_data.update(member_data) ret[int(member_id)] = new_member_data return ret
[docs] async def all_members(self, guild: discord.Guild = None) -> dict: """Get data for all members. If :code:`guild` is specified, only the data for the members of that guild will be returned. As such, the dict will map :code:`MEMBER_ID -> data`. Otherwise, the dict maps :code:`GUILD_ID -> MEMBER_ID -> data`. Note ---- The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set. Parameters ---------- guild : `discord.Guild`, optional The guild to get the member data from. Can be omitted if data from every member of all guilds is desired. Returns ------- dict A dictionary of all specified member data. """ ret = {} if guild is None: group = self._get_base_group(self.MEMBER) try: dict_ = await self._driver.get(group.identifier_data) except KeyError: pass else: for guild_id, guild_data in dict_.items(): ret[int(guild_id)] = self._all_members_from_guild(guild_data) else: group = self._get_base_group(self.MEMBER, str( try: guild_data = await self._driver.get(group.identifier_data) except KeyError: pass else: ret = self._all_members_from_guild(guild_data) return ret
async def _clear_scope(self, *scopes: str): """Clear all data in a particular scope. The only situation where a second scope should be passed in is if member data from a specific guild is being cleared. If no scopes are passed, then all data is cleared from every scope. Parameters ---------- *scopes : str, optional The scope of the data. Generally only one scope needs to be provided, a second only necessary for clearing member data of a specific guild. **Leaving blank removes all data from this Config instance.** """ if not scopes: # noinspection PyTypeChecker identifier_data = IdentifierData(self.cog_name, self.unique_identifier, "", (), (), 0) group = Group(identifier_data, defaults={}, driver=self._driver, config=self) else: cat, *scopes = scopes group = self._get_base_group(cat, *scopes) await group.clear()
[docs] async def clear_all(self): """Clear all data from this Config instance. This resets all data to its registered defaults. .. important:: This cannot be undone. """ await self._clear_scope()
[docs] async def clear_all_globals(self): """Clear all global data. This resets all global data to its registered defaults. """ await self._clear_scope(self.GLOBAL)
[docs] async def clear_all_guilds(self): """Clear all guild data. This resets all guild data to its registered defaults. """ await self._clear_scope(self.GUILD)
[docs] async def clear_all_channels(self): """Clear all channel data. This resets all channel data to its registered defaults. """ await self._clear_scope(self.CHANNEL)
[docs] async def clear_all_roles(self): """Clear all role data. This resets all role data to its registered defaults. """ await self._clear_scope(self.ROLE)
[docs] async def clear_all_users(self): """Clear all user data. This resets all user data to its registered defaults. """ await self._clear_scope(self.USER)
[docs] async def clear_all_members(self, guild: discord.Guild = None): """Clear all member data. This resets all specified member data to its registered defaults. Parameters ---------- guild : `discord.Guild`, optional The guild to clear member data from. Omit to clear member data from all guilds. """ if guild is not None: await self._clear_scope(self.MEMBER, str( return await self._clear_scope(self.MEMBER)
[docs] async def clear_all_custom(self, group_identifier: str): """Clear all custom group data. This resets all custom group data to its registered defaults. Parameters ---------- group_identifier : str The identifier for the custom group. This is casted to `str` for you. """ await self._clear_scope(str(group_identifier))
[docs] def get_guilds_lock(self) -> asyncio.Lock: """Get a lock for all guild data. Returns ------- asyncio.Lock A lock for all guild data. """ return self.get_custom_lock(self.GUILD)
[docs] def get_channels_lock(self) -> asyncio.Lock: """Get a lock for all channel data. Returns ------- asyncio.Lock A lock for all channels data. """ return self.get_custom_lock(self.CHANNEL)
[docs] def get_roles_lock(self) -> asyncio.Lock: """Get a lock for all role data. Returns ------- asyncio.Lock A lock for all roles data. """ return self.get_custom_lock(self.ROLE)
[docs] def get_users_lock(self) -> asyncio.Lock: """Get a lock for all user data. Returns ------- asyncio.Lock A lock for all user data. """ return self.get_custom_lock(self.USER)
[docs] def get_members_lock(self, guild: Optional[discord.Guild] = None) -> asyncio.Lock: """Get a lock for all member data. Parameters ---------- guild : Optional[discord.Guild] The guild containing the members whose data you want to lock. Omit to lock all data for all members in all guilds. Returns ------- asyncio.Lock A lock for all member data for the given guild. If ``guild`` is omitted this will give a lock for all data for all members in all guilds. """ if guild is None: return self.get_custom_lock(self.GUILD) else: id_data = IdentifierData( self.cog_name, self.unique_identifier, category=self.MEMBER, primary_key=(str(,), identifiers=(), primary_key_len=2, ) return self._lock_cache.setdefault(id_data, asyncio.Lock())
[docs] def get_custom_lock(self, group_identifier: str) -> asyncio.Lock: """Get a lock for all data in a custom scope. Parameters ---------- group_identifier : str The group identifier for the custom scope you want to lock. Returns ------- asyncio.Lock A lock for all data in a custom scope with given group identifier. """ try: pkey_len, is_custom = ConfigCategory.get_pkey_info( group_identifier, self.custom_groups ) except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Custom group not initialized: {group_identifier}") from None else: id_data = IdentifierData( self.cog_name, self.unique_identifier, category=group_identifier, primary_key=(), identifiers=(), primary_key_len=pkey_len, is_custom=is_custom, ) return self._lock_cache.setdefault(id_data, asyncio.Lock())
async def migrate(cur_driver_cls: Type[BaseDriver], new_driver_cls: Type[BaseDriver]) -> None: """Migrate from one driver type to another.""" # Get custom group data core_conf = Config.get_core_conf(allow_old=True) core_conf.init_custom("CUSTOM_GROUPS", 2) all_custom_group_data = await core_conf.custom("CUSTOM_GROUPS").all() await cur_driver_cls.migrate_to(new_driver_cls, all_custom_group_data) def _str_key_dict(value: Dict[Any, _T]) -> Dict[str, _T]: """ Recursively casts all keys in the given `dict` to `str`. Parameters ---------- value : Dict[Any, Any] The `dict` to cast keys to `str`. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] The `dict` with keys (and nested keys) casted to `str`. """ ret = {} for k, v in value.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): v = _str_key_dict(v) ret[str(k)] = v return ret