
This document is for Red's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. If you're a regular user, you should read the Red documentation for the current stable release.

Source code for redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import itertools
import math
import textwrap
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, SupportsInt, Union

import discord
from babel.lists import format_list as babel_list
from babel.numbers import format_decimal

from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, get_babel_locale, get_babel_regional_format

__all__ = (

_ = Translator("UtilsChatFormatting", __file__)

[docs]def error(text: str) -> str: """Get text prefixed with an error emoji. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be prefixed. Returns ------- str The new message. """ return f"\N{NO ENTRY SIGN} {text}"
[docs]def warning(text: str) -> str: """Get text prefixed with a warning emoji. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be prefixed. Returns ------- str The new message. """ return f"\N{WARNING SIGN}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16} {text}"
[docs]def info(text: str) -> str: """Get text prefixed with an info emoji. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be prefixed. Returns ------- str The new message. """ return f"\N{INFORMATION SOURCE}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16} {text}"
[docs]def success(text: str) -> str: """Get text prefixed with a success emoji. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be prefixed. Returns ------- str The new message. """ return f"\N{WHITE HEAVY CHECK MARK} {text}"
[docs]def question(text: str) -> str: """Get text prefixed with a question emoji. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be prefixed. Returns ------- str The new message. """ return f"\N{BLACK QUESTION MARK ORNAMENT}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16} {text}"
[docs]def bold(text: str, escape_formatting: bool = True) -> str: """Get the given text in bold. Note: By default, this function will escape ``text`` prior to emboldening. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. escape_formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`False` to not escape markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ return f"**{escape(text, formatting=escape_formatting)}**"
[docs]def box(text: str, lang: str = "") -> str: """Get the given text in a code block. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. lang : `str`, optional The syntax highlighting language for the codeblock. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ return f"```{lang}\n{text}\n```"
[docs]def inline(text: str) -> str: """Get the given text as inline code. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ if "`" in text: return f"``{text}``" else: return f"`{text}`"
[docs]def italics(text: str, escape_formatting: bool = True) -> str: """Get the given text in italics. Note: By default, this function will escape ``text`` prior to italicising. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. escape_formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`False` to not escape markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ return f"*{escape(text, formatting=escape_formatting)}*"
[docs]def spoiler(text: str, escape_formatting: bool = True) -> str: """Get the given text as a spoiler. Note: By default, this function will escape ``text`` prior to making the text a spoiler. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. escape_formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`False` to not escape markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ return f"||{escape(text, formatting=escape_formatting)}||"
[docs]class pagify(Iterator[str]): """Generate multiple pages from the given text. The returned iterator supports length estimation with :func:`operator.length_hint()`. Note ---- This does not respect code blocks or inline code. Parameters ---------- text : str The content to pagify and send. delims : `sequence` of `str`, optional Characters where page breaks will occur. If no delimiters are found in a page, the page will break after ``page_length`` characters. By default this only contains the newline. Other Parameters ---------------- priority : `bool` Set to :code:`True` to choose the page break delimiter based on the order of ``delims``. Otherwise, the page will always break at the last possible delimiter. escape_mass_mentions : `bool` If :code:`True`, any mass mentions (here or everyone) will be silenced. shorten_by : `int` How much to shorten each page by. Defaults to 8. page_length : `int` The maximum length of each page. Defaults to 2000. Yields ------ `str` Pages of the given text. """ # when changing signature of this method, please update it in docs/framework_utils.rst as well def __init__( self, text: str, delims: Sequence[str] = ("\n",), *, priority: bool = False, escape_mass_mentions: bool = True, shorten_by: int = 8, page_length: int = 2000, ) -> None: self._text = text self._delims = delims self._priority = priority self._escape_mass_mentions = escape_mass_mentions self._shorten_by = shorten_by self._page_length = page_length - shorten_by self._start = 0 self._end = len(text) def __repr__(self) -> str: text = self._text if len(text) > 20: text = f"{text[:19]}\N{HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS}" return ( "pagify(" f"{text!r}," f" {self._delims!r}," f" priority={self._priority!r}," f" escape_mass_mentions={self._escape_mass_mentions!r}," f" shorten_by={self._shorten_by!r}," f" page_length={self._page_length + self._shorten_by!r}" ")" ) def __length_hint__(self) -> int: return math.ceil((self._end - self._start) / self._page_length) def __iter__(self) -> pagify: return self def __next__(self) -> str: text = self._text escape_mass_mentions = self._escape_mass_mentions page_length = self._page_length start = self._start end = self._end while (end - start) > page_length: stop = start + page_length if escape_mass_mentions: stop -= text.count("@here", start, stop) + text.count("@everyone", start, stop) closest_delim_it = (text.rfind(d, start + 1, stop) for d in self._delims) if self._priority: closest_delim = next((x for x in closest_delim_it if x > 0), -1) else: closest_delim = max(closest_delim_it) stop = closest_delim if closest_delim != -1 else stop if escape_mass_mentions: to_send = escape(text[start:stop], mass_mentions=True) else: to_send = text[start:stop] start = self._start = stop if len(to_send.strip()) > 0: return to_send if len(text[start:end].strip()) > 0: self._start = end if escape_mass_mentions: return escape(text[start:end], mass_mentions=True) else: return text[start:end] raise StopIteration
[docs]def strikethrough(text: str, escape_formatting: bool = True) -> str: """Get the given text with a strikethrough. Note: By default, this function will escape ``text`` prior to applying a strikethrough. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. escape_formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`False` to not escape markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ return f"~~{escape(text, formatting=escape_formatting)}~~"
[docs]def underline(text: str, escape_formatting: bool = True) -> str: """Get the given text with an underline. Note: By default, this function will escape ``text`` prior to underlining. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. escape_formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`False` to not escape markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ return f"__{escape(text, formatting=escape_formatting)}__"
[docs]def quote(text: str) -> str: """Quotes the given text. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be marked up. Returns ------- str The marked up text. """ return textwrap.indent(text, "> ", lambda l: True)
[docs]def escape(text: str, *, mass_mentions: bool = False, formatting: bool = False) -> str: """Get text with all mass mentions or markdown escaped. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to be escaped. mass_mentions : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`True` to escape mass mentions in the text. formatting : `bool`, optional Set to :code:`True` to escape any markdown formatting in the text. Returns ------- str The escaped text. """ if mass_mentions: text = text.replace("@everyone", "@\u200beveryone") text = text.replace("@here", "@\u200bhere") if formatting: text = discord.utils.escape_markdown(text) return text
[docs]def humanize_list( items: Sequence[str], *, locale: Optional[str] = None, style: str = "standard" ) -> str: """Get comma-separated list, with the last element joined with *and*. Parameters ---------- items : Sequence[str] The items of the list to join together. locale : Optional[str] The locale to convert, if not specified it defaults to the bot's locale. style : str The style to format the list with. Note: Not all styles are necessarily available in all locales, see documentation of `babel.lists.format_list` for more details. standard A typical 'and' list for arbitrary placeholders. eg. "January, February, and March" standard-short A short version of a 'and' list, suitable for use with short or abbreviated placeholder values. eg. "Jan., Feb., and Mar." or A typical 'or' list for arbitrary placeholders. eg. "January, February, or March" or-short A short version of an 'or' list. eg. "Jan., Feb., or Mar." unit A list suitable for wide units. eg. "3 feet, 7 inches" unit-short A list suitable for short units eg. "3 ft, 7 in" unit-narrow A list suitable for narrow units, where space on the screen is very limited. eg. "3′ 7″" Raises ------ ValueError The locale does not support the specified style. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import humanize_list .. doctest:: >>> humanize_list(['One', 'Two', 'Three']) 'One, Two, and Three' >>> humanize_list(['One']) 'One' >>> humanize_list(['omena', 'peruna', 'aplari'], style='or', locale='fi') 'omena, peruna tai aplari' """ return babel_list(items, style=style, locale=get_babel_locale(locale))
[docs]def format_perms_list(perms: discord.Permissions) -> str: """Format a list of permission names. This will return a humanized list of the names of all enabled permissions in the provided `discord.Permissions` object. Parameters ---------- perms : discord.Permissions The permissions object with the requested permissions to list enabled. Returns ------- str The humanized list. """ perm_names: List[str] = [] for perm, value in perms: if value is True: perm_name = '"' + perm.replace("_", " ").title() + '"' perm_names.append(perm_name) return humanize_list(perm_names).replace("Guild", "Server")
[docs]def humanize_timedelta( *, timedelta: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, seconds: Optional[SupportsInt] = None, negative_format: Optional[str] = None, maximum_units: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: """ Get a locale aware human timedelta representation. This works with either a timedelta object or a number of seconds. Fractional values will be omitted. Values that are less than 1 second but greater than -1 second will be an empty string. Parameters ---------- timedelta: Optional[datetime.timedelta] A timedelta object seconds: Optional[SupportsInt] A number of seconds negative_format: Optional[str] How to format negative timedeltas, using %-formatting rules. Defaults to "negative %s" maximum_units: Optional[int] The maximum number of different units to output in the final string. Returns ------- str A locale aware representation of the timedelta or seconds. Raises ------ ValueError The function was called with neither a number of seconds nor a timedelta object, or with a maximum_units less than 1. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from datetime import timedelta from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import humanize_timedelta .. doctest:: >>> humanize_timedelta(seconds=314) '5 minutes, 14 seconds' >>> humanize_timedelta(timedelta=timedelta(minutes=3.14), maximum_units=1) '3 minutes' >>> humanize_timedelta(timedelta=timedelta(days=-3.14), negative_format="%s ago", maximum_units=3) '3 days, 3 hours, 21 minutes ago' """ try: obj = seconds if seconds is not None else timedelta.total_seconds() except AttributeError: raise ValueError("You must provide either a timedelta or a number of seconds") if maximum_units is not None and maximum_units < 1: raise ValueError("maximum_units must be >= 1") periods = [ (_("year"), _("years"), 60 * 60 * 24 * 365), (_("month"), _("months"), 60 * 60 * 24 * 30), (_("day"), _("days"), 60 * 60 * 24), (_("hour"), _("hours"), 60 * 60), (_("minute"), _("minutes"), 60), (_("second"), _("seconds"), 1), ] seconds = int(obj) if seconds < 0: seconds = -seconds if negative_format and "%s" not in negative_format: negative_format = negative_format + " %s" else: negative_format = negative_format or (_("negative") + " %s") else: negative_format = "%s" strings = [] maximum_units = maximum_units or len(periods) for period_name, plural_period_name, period_seconds in periods: if seconds >= period_seconds: period_value, seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds) if period_value == 0: continue unit = plural_period_name if period_value > 1 else period_name strings.append(f"{period_value} {unit}") if len(strings) == maximum_units: break return negative_format % humanize_list(strings, style="unit")
[docs]def humanize_number(val: Union[int, float], override_locale=None) -> str: """ Convert an int or float to a str with digit separators based on bot locale. Parameters ---------- val : Union[int, float] The int/float to be formatted. override_locale: Optional[str] A value to override bot's regional format. Raises ------ decimals.InvalidOperation If val is greater than 10 x 10^21 for some locales, 10 x 10^24 in others. Returns ------- str Locale-aware formatted number. """ return format_decimal(val, locale=get_babel_regional_format(override_locale))
[docs]def text_to_file( text: str, filename: str = "file.txt", *, spoiler: bool = False, encoding: str = "utf-8" ): """Prepares text to be sent as a file on Discord, without character limit. This writes text into a bytes object that can be used for the ``file`` or ``files`` parameters of :meth:`discord.abc.Messageable.send`. Parameters ---------- text: str The text to put in your file. filename: str The name of the file sent. Defaults to ``file.txt``. spoiler: bool Whether the attachment is a spoiler. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- discord.File The file containing your text. """ file = BytesIO(text.encode(encoding)) return discord.File(file, filename, spoiler=spoiler)