
This document is for Red's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. If you're a regular user, you should read the Red documentation for the current stable release.

Source code for discord.ext.commands.core

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015-present Rapptz

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import datetime
import functools
import inspect
from typing import (
import re

import discord

from ._types import _BaseCommand, CogT
from .cog import Cog
from .context import Context
from .converter import Greedy, run_converters
from .cooldowns import BucketType, Cooldown, CooldownMapping, DynamicCooldownMapping, MaxConcurrency
from .errors import *
from .parameters import Parameter, Signature
from discord.app_commands.commands import NUMPY_DOCSTRING_ARG_REGEX

    from typing_extensions import Concatenate, ParamSpec, Self

    from ._types import BotT, Check, ContextT, Coro, CoroFunc, Error, Hook, UserCheck

__all__ = (

MISSING: Any = discord.utils.MISSING

T = TypeVar('T')
CommandT = TypeVar('CommandT', bound='Command[Any, ..., Any]')
# CHT = TypeVar('CHT', bound='Check')
GroupT = TypeVar('GroupT', bound='Group[Any, ..., Any]')

    P = ParamSpec('P')
    P = TypeVar('P')

def unwrap_function(function: Callable[..., Any], /) -> Callable[..., Any]:
    partial = functools.partial
    while True:
        if hasattr(function, '__wrapped__'):
            function = function.__wrapped__
        elif isinstance(function, partial):
            function = function.func
            return function

def get_signature_parameters(
    function: Callable[..., Any],
    globalns: Dict[str, Any],
    skip_parameters: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Parameter]:
    signature = Signature.from_callable(function)
    params: Dict[str, Parameter] = {}
    cache: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    eval_annotation = discord.utils.evaluate_annotation
    required_params = discord.utils.is_inside_class(function) + 1 if skip_parameters is None else skip_parameters
    if len(signature.parameters) < required_params:
        raise TypeError(f'Command signature requires at least {required_params - 1} parameter(s)')

    iterator = iter(signature.parameters.items())
    for _ in range(0, required_params):

    for name, parameter in iterator:
        default = parameter.default
        if isinstance(default, Parameter):  # update from the default
            if default.annotation is not Parameter.empty:
                # There are a few cases to care about here.
                # x: TextChannel = commands.CurrentChannel
                # x = commands.CurrentChannel
                # In both of these cases, the default parameter has an explicit annotation
                # but in the second case it's only used as the fallback.
                if default._fallback:
                    if parameter.annotation is Parameter.empty:
                        parameter._annotation = default.annotation
                    parameter._annotation = default.annotation

            parameter._default = default.default
            parameter._description = default._description
            parameter._displayed_default = default._displayed_default
            parameter._displayed_name = default._displayed_name

        annotation = parameter.annotation

        if annotation is None:
            params[name] = parameter.replace(annotation=type(None))

        annotation = eval_annotation(annotation, globalns, globalns, cache)
        if annotation is Greedy:
            raise TypeError('Unparameterized Greedy[...] is disallowed in signature.')

        params[name] = parameter.replace(annotation=annotation)

    return params

PARAMETER_HEADING_REGEX = re.compile(r'Parameters?\n---+\n', re.I)

def _fold_text(input: str) -> str:
    """Turns a single newline into a space, and multiple newlines into a newline."""

    def replacer(m: re.Match[str]) -> str:
        if len(m.group()) <= 1:
            return ' '
        return '\n'

    return re.sub(r'\n+', replacer, inspect.cleandoc(input))

def extract_descriptions_from_docstring(function: Callable[..., Any], params: Dict[str, Parameter], /) -> Optional[str]:
    docstring = inspect.getdoc(function)

    if docstring is None:
        return None

    divide = PARAMETER_HEADING_REGEX.split(docstring, 1)
    if len(divide) == 1:
        return docstring

    description, param_docstring = divide
    for match in NUMPY_DOCSTRING_ARG_REGEX.finditer(param_docstring):
        name = match.group('name')

        if name not in params:
            is_display_name = discord.utils.get(params.values(), displayed_name=name)
            if is_display_name:
                name = is_display_name.name

        param = params[name]
        if param.description is None:
            param._description = _fold_text(match.group('description'))

    return _fold_text(description.strip())

def wrap_callback(coro: Callable[P, Coro[T]], /) -> Callable[P, Coro[Optional[T]]]:
    async def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Optional[T]:
            ret = await coro(*args, **kwargs)
        except CommandError:
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
        except Exception as exc:
            raise CommandInvokeError(exc) from exc
        return ret

    return wrapped

def hooked_wrapped_callback(
    command: Command[Any, ..., Any], ctx: Context[BotT], coro: Callable[P, Coro[T]], /
) -> Callable[P, Coro[Optional[T]]]:
    async def wrapped(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Optional[T]:
            ret = await coro(*args, **kwargs)
        except CommandError:
            ctx.command_failed = True
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
            ctx.command_failed = True
        except Exception as exc:
            ctx.command_failed = True
            raise CommandInvokeError(exc) from exc
            if command._max_concurrency is not None:
                await command._max_concurrency.release(ctx.message)

            await command.call_after_hooks(ctx)
        return ret

    return wrapped

class _CaseInsensitiveDict(dict):
    def __contains__(self, k):
        return super().__contains__(k.casefold())

    def __delitem__(self, k):
        return super().__delitem__(k.casefold())

    def __getitem__(self, k):
        return super().__getitem__(k.casefold())

    def get(self, k, default=None):
        return super().get(k.casefold(), default)

    def pop(self, k, default=None):
        return super().pop(k.casefold(), default)

    def __setitem__(self, k, v):
        super().__setitem__(k.casefold(), v)

class _AttachmentIterator:
    def __init__(self, data: List[discord.Attachment]):
        self.data: List[discord.Attachment] = data
        self.index: int = 0

    def __iter__(self) -> Self:
        return self

    def __next__(self) -> discord.Attachment:
            value = self.data[self.index]
        except IndexError:
            raise StopIteration
            self.index += 1
            return value

    def is_empty(self) -> bool:
        return self.index >= len(self.data)

class Command(_BaseCommand, Generic[CogT, P, T]):
    r"""A class that implements the protocol for a bot text command.

    These are not created manually, instead they are created via the
    decorator or functional interface.

    name: :class:`str`
        The name of the command.
    callback: :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>`
        The coroutine that is executed when the command is called.
    help: Optional[:class:`str`]
        The long help text for the command.
    brief: Optional[:class:`str`]
        The short help text for the command.
    usage: Optional[:class:`str`]
        A replacement for arguments in the default help text.
    aliases: Union[List[:class:`str`], Tuple[:class:`str`]]
        The list of aliases the command can be invoked under.
    enabled: :class:`bool`
        A boolean that indicates if the command is currently enabled.
        If the command is invoked while it is disabled, then
        :exc:`.DisabledCommand` is raised to the :func:`.on_command_error`
        event. Defaults to ``True``.
    parent: Optional[:class:`Group`]
        The parent group that this command belongs to. ``None`` if there
        isn't one.
    cog: Optional[:class:`Cog`]
        The cog that this command belongs to. ``None`` if there isn't one.
    checks: List[Callable[[:class:`.Context`], :class:`bool`]]
        A list of predicates that verifies if the command could be executed
        with the given :class:`.Context` as the sole parameter. If an exception
        is necessary to be thrown to signal failure, then one inherited from
        :exc:`.CommandError` should be used. Note that if the checks fail then
        :exc:`.CheckFailure` exception is raised to the :func:`.on_command_error`
    description: :class:`str`
        The message prefixed into the default help command.
    hidden: :class:`bool`
        If ``True``\, the default help command does not show this in the
        help output.
    rest_is_raw: :class:`bool`
        If ``False`` and a keyword-only argument is provided then the keyword
        only argument is stripped and handled as if it was a regular argument
        that handles :exc:`.MissingRequiredArgument` and default values in a
        regular matter rather than passing the rest completely raw. If ``True``
        then the keyword-only argument will pass in the rest of the arguments
        in a completely raw matter. Defaults to ``False``.
    invoked_subcommand: Optional[:class:`Command`]
        The subcommand that was invoked, if any.
    require_var_positional: :class:`bool`
        If ``True`` and a variadic positional argument is specified, requires
        the user to specify at least one argument. Defaults to ``False``.

        .. versionadded:: 1.5

    ignore_extra: :class:`bool`
        If ``True``\, ignores extraneous strings passed to a command if all its
        requirements are met (e.g. ``?foo a b c`` when only expecting ``a``
        and ``b``). Otherwise :func:`.on_command_error` and local error handlers
        are called with :exc:`.TooManyArguments`. Defaults to ``True``.
    cooldown_after_parsing: :class:`bool`
        If ``True``\, cooldown processing is done after argument parsing,
        which calls converters. If ``False`` then cooldown processing is done
        first and then the converters are called second. Defaults to ``False``.
    extras: :class:`dict`
        A dict of user provided extras to attach to the Command.

        .. note::
            This object may be copied by the library.

        .. versionadded:: 2.0
    __original_kwargs__: Dict[str, Any]

    def __new__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Self:
        # if you're wondering why this is done, it's because we need to ensure
        # we have a complete original copy of **kwargs even for classes that
        # mess with it by popping before delegating to the subclass __init__.
        # In order to do this, we need to control the instance creation and
        # inject the original kwargs through __new__ rather than doing it
        # inside __init__.
        self = super().__new__(cls)

        # we do a shallow copy because it's probably the most common use case.
        # this could potentially break if someone modifies a list or something
        # while it's in movement, but for now this is the cheapest and
        # fastest way to do what we want.
        self.__original_kwargs__ = kwargs.copy()
        return self

    def __init__(
        func: Union[
            Callable[Concatenate[CogT, Context[Any], P], Coro[T]],
            Callable[Concatenate[Context[Any], P], Coro[T]],
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> None:
        if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
            raise TypeError('Callback must be a coroutine.')

        name = kwargs.get('name') or func.__name__
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError('Name of a command must be a string.')
        self.name: str = name

        self.callback = func
        self.enabled: bool = kwargs.get('enabled', True)

        help_doc = kwargs.get('help')
        if help_doc is not None:
            help_doc = inspect.cleandoc(help_doc)
            help_doc = extract_descriptions_from_docstring(func, self.params)

        self.help: Optional[str] = help_doc

        self.brief: Optional[str] = kwargs.get('brief')
        self.usage: Optional[str] = kwargs.get('usage')
        self.rest_is_raw: bool = kwargs.get('rest_is_raw', False)
        self.aliases: Union[List[str], Tuple[str]] = kwargs.get('aliases', [])
        self.extras: Dict[Any, Any] = kwargs.get('extras', {})

        if not isinstance(self.aliases, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError("Aliases of a command must be a list or a tuple of strings.")

        self.description: str = inspect.cleandoc(kwargs.get('description', ''))
        self.hidden: bool = kwargs.get('hidden', False)

            checks = func.__commands_checks__
        except AttributeError:
            checks = kwargs.get('checks', [])

        self.checks: List[UserCheck[Context[Any]]] = checks

            cooldown = func.__commands_cooldown__
        except AttributeError:
            cooldown = kwargs.get('cooldown')

        if cooldown is None:
            buckets = CooldownMapping(cooldown, BucketType.default)
        elif isinstance(cooldown, CooldownMapping):
            buckets: CooldownMapping[Context[Any]] = cooldown
            raise TypeError("Cooldown must be an instance of CooldownMapping or None.")
        self._buckets: CooldownMapping[Context[Any]] = buckets

            max_concurrency = func.__commands_max_concurrency__
        except AttributeError:
            max_concurrency = kwargs.get('max_concurrency')

        self._max_concurrency: Optional[MaxConcurrency] = max_concurrency

        self.require_var_positional: bool = kwargs.get('require_var_positional', False)
        self.ignore_extra: bool = kwargs.get('ignore_extra', True)
        self.cooldown_after_parsing: bool = kwargs.get('cooldown_after_parsing', False)
        self._cog: CogT = None  # type: ignore # This breaks every other pyright release

        # bandaid for the fact that sometimes parent can be the bot instance
        parent: Optional[GroupMixin[Any]] = kwargs.get('parent')
        self.parent: Optional[GroupMixin[Any]] = parent if isinstance(parent, _BaseCommand) else None  # type: ignore # Does not recognise mixin usage

        self._before_invoke: Optional[Hook] = None
            before_invoke = func.__before_invoke__
        except AttributeError:

        self._after_invoke: Optional[Hook] = None
            after_invoke = func.__after_invoke__
        except AttributeError:

    def cog(self) -> CogT:
        return self._cog

    def cog(self, value: CogT) -> None:
        self._cog = value

    def callback(
    ) -> Union[Callable[Concatenate[CogT, Context[Any], P], Coro[T]], Callable[Concatenate[Context[Any], P], Coro[T]],]:
        return self._callback

    def callback(
        function: Union[
            Callable[Concatenate[CogT, Context[Any], P], Coro[T]],
            Callable[Concatenate[Context[Any], P], Coro[T]],
    ) -> None:
        self._callback = function
        unwrap = unwrap_function(function)
        self.module: str = unwrap.__module__

            globalns = unwrap.__globals__
        except AttributeError:
            globalns = {}

        self.params: Dict[str, Parameter] = get_signature_parameters(function, globalns)

[docs] def add_check(self, func: UserCheck[Context[Any]], /) -> None: """Adds a check to the command. This is the non-decorator interface to :func:`.check`. .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``func`` parameter is now positional-only. .. seealso:: The :func:`~discord.ext.commands.check` decorator Parameters ----------- func The function that will be used as a check. """ self.checks.append(func)
[docs] def remove_check(self, func: UserCheck[Context[Any]], /) -> None: """Removes a check from the command. This function is idempotent and will not raise an exception if the function is not in the command's checks. .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``func`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- func The function to remove from the checks. """ try: self.checks.remove(func) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Updates :class:`Command` instance with updated attribute. This works similarly to the :func:`~discord.ext.commands.command` decorator in terms of parameters in that they are passed to the :class:`Command` or subclass constructors, sans the name and callback. """ cog = self.cog self.__init__(self.callback, **dict(self.__original_kwargs__, **kwargs)) self.cog = cog
async def __call__(self, context: Context[BotT], /, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: """|coro| Calls the internal callback that the command holds. .. note:: This bypasses all mechanisms -- including checks, converters, invoke hooks, cooldowns, etc. You must take care to pass the proper arguments and types to this function. .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``context`` parameter is now positional-only. """ if self.cog is not None: return await self.callback(self.cog, context, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore else: return await self.callback(context, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore def _ensure_assignment_on_copy(self, other: Self) -> Self: other._before_invoke = self._before_invoke other._after_invoke = self._after_invoke other.extras = self.extras if self.checks != other.checks: other.checks = self.checks.copy() if self._buckets.valid and not other._buckets.valid: other._buckets = self._buckets.copy() if self._max_concurrency and self._max_concurrency != other._max_concurrency: other._max_concurrency = self._max_concurrency.copy() try: other.on_error = self.on_error except AttributeError: pass return other
[docs] def copy(self) -> Self: """Creates a copy of this command. Returns -------- :class:`Command` A new instance of this command. """ ret = self.__class__(self.callback, **self.__original_kwargs__) return self._ensure_assignment_on_copy(ret)
def _update_copy(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Self: if kwargs: kw = kwargs.copy() kw.update(self.__original_kwargs__) copy = self.__class__(self.callback, **kw) return self._ensure_assignment_on_copy(copy) else: return self.copy() async def dispatch_error(self, ctx: Context[BotT], error: CommandError, /) -> None: ctx.command_failed = True cog = self.cog try: coro = self.on_error except AttributeError: pass else: injected = wrap_callback(coro) # type: ignore if cog is not None: await injected(cog, ctx, error) else: await injected(ctx, error) # type: ignore try: if cog is not None: local = Cog._get_overridden_method(cog.cog_command_error) if local is not None: wrapped = wrap_callback(local) await wrapped(ctx, error) finally: ctx.bot.dispatch('command_error', ctx, error) async def transform(self, ctx: Context[BotT], param: Parameter, attachments: _AttachmentIterator, /) -> Any: converter = param.converter consume_rest_is_special = param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY and not self.rest_is_raw view = ctx.view view.skip_ws() # The greedy converter is simple -- it keeps going until it fails in which case, # it undos the view ready for the next parameter to use instead if isinstance(converter, Greedy): # Special case for Greedy[discord.Attachment] to consume the attachments iterator if converter.converter is discord.Attachment: return list(attachments) if param.kind in (param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, param.POSITIONAL_ONLY): return await self._transform_greedy_pos(ctx, param, param.required, converter.constructed_converter) elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: return await self._transform_greedy_var_pos(ctx, param, converter.constructed_converter) else: # if we're here, then it's a KEYWORD_ONLY param type # since this is mostly useless, we'll helpfully transform Greedy[X] # into just X and do the parsing that way. converter = converter.constructed_converter # Try to detect Optional[discord.Attachment] or discord.Attachment special converter if converter is discord.Attachment: try: return next(attachments) except StopIteration: raise MissingRequiredAttachment(param) if self._is_typing_optional(param.annotation) and param.annotation.__args__[0] is discord.Attachment: if attachments.is_empty(): # I have no idea who would be doing Optional[discord.Attachment] = 1 # but for those cases then 1 should be returned instead of None return None if param.default is param.empty else param.default return next(attachments) if view.eof: if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: raise RuntimeError() # break the loop if param.required: if self._is_typing_optional(param.annotation): return None if hasattr(converter, '__commands_is_flag__') and converter._can_be_constructible(): return await converter._construct_default(ctx) raise MissingRequiredArgument(param) return await param.get_default(ctx) previous = view.index if consume_rest_is_special: ctx.current_argument = argument = view.read_rest().strip() else: try: ctx.current_argument = argument = view.get_quoted_word() except ArgumentParsingError as exc: if self._is_typing_optional(param.annotation): view.index = previous return None if param.required else await param.get_default(ctx) else: raise exc view.previous = previous # type-checker fails to narrow argument return await run_converters(ctx, converter, argument, param) # type: ignore async def _transform_greedy_pos(self, ctx: Context[BotT], param: Parameter, required: bool, converter: Any) -> Any: view = ctx.view result = [] while not view.eof: # for use with a manual undo previous = view.index view.skip_ws() try: ctx.current_argument = argument = view.get_quoted_word() value = await run_converters(ctx, converter, argument, param) # type: ignore except (CommandError, ArgumentParsingError): view.index = previous break else: result.append(value) if not result and not required: return await param.get_default(ctx) return result async def _transform_greedy_var_pos(self, ctx: Context[BotT], param: Parameter, converter: Any) -> Any: view = ctx.view previous = view.index try: ctx.current_argument = argument = view.get_quoted_word() value = await run_converters(ctx, converter, argument, param) # type: ignore except (CommandError, ArgumentParsingError): view.index = previous raise RuntimeError() from None # break loop else: return value @property def clean_params(self) -> Dict[str, Parameter]: """Dict[:class:`str`, :class:`Parameter`]: Retrieves the parameter dictionary without the context or self parameters. Useful for inspecting signature. """ return self.params.copy() @property def cooldown(self) -> Optional[Cooldown]: """Optional[:class:`~discord.app_commands.Cooldown`]: The cooldown of a command when invoked or ``None`` if the command doesn't have a registered cooldown. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return self._buckets._cooldown @property def full_parent_name(self) -> str: """:class:`str`: Retrieves the fully qualified parent command name. This the base command name required to execute it. For example, in ``?one two three`` the parent name would be ``one two``. """ entries = [] command = self # command.parent is type-hinted as GroupMixin some attributes are resolved via MRO while command.parent is not None: # type: ignore command = command.parent # type: ignore entries.append(command.name) # type: ignore return ' '.join(reversed(entries)) @property def parents(self) -> List[Group[Any, ..., Any]]: """List[:class:`Group`]: Retrieves the parents of this command. If the command has no parents then it returns an empty :class:`list`. For example in commands ``?a b c test``, the parents are ``[c, b, a]``. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ entries = [] command = self while command.parent is not None: # type: ignore command = command.parent # type: ignore entries.append(command) return entries @property def root_parent(self) -> Optional[Group[Any, ..., Any]]: """Optional[:class:`Group`]: Retrieves the root parent of this command. If the command has no parents then it returns ``None``. For example in commands ``?a b c test``, the root parent is ``a``. """ if not self.parent: return None return self.parents[-1] @property def qualified_name(self) -> str: """:class:`str`: Retrieves the fully qualified command name. This is the full parent name with the command name as well. For example, in ``?one two three`` the qualified name would be ``one two three``. """ parent = self.full_parent_name if parent: return parent + ' ' + self.name else: return self.name def __str__(self) -> str: return self.qualified_name async def _parse_arguments(self, ctx: Context[BotT]) -> None: ctx.args = [ctx] if self.cog is None else [self.cog, ctx] ctx.kwargs = {} args = ctx.args kwargs = ctx.kwargs attachments = _AttachmentIterator(ctx.message.attachments) view = ctx.view iterator = iter(self.params.items()) for name, param in iterator: ctx.current_parameter = param if param.kind in (param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, param.POSITIONAL_ONLY): transformed = await self.transform(ctx, param, attachments) args.append(transformed) elif param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY: # kwarg only param denotes "consume rest" semantics if self.rest_is_raw: ctx.current_argument = argument = view.read_rest() kwargs[name] = await run_converters(ctx, param.converter, argument, param) else: kwargs[name] = await self.transform(ctx, param, attachments) break elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: if view.eof and self.require_var_positional: raise MissingRequiredArgument(param) while not view.eof: try: transformed = await self.transform(ctx, param, attachments) args.append(transformed) except RuntimeError: break if not self.ignore_extra and not view.eof: raise TooManyArguments('Too many arguments passed to ' + self.qualified_name) async def call_before_hooks(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /) -> None: # now that we're done preparing we can call the pre-command hooks # first, call the command local hook: cog = self.cog if self._before_invoke is not None: # should be cog if @commands.before_invoke is used instance = getattr(self._before_invoke, '__self__', cog) # __self__ only exists for methods, not functions # however, if @command.before_invoke is used, it will be a function if instance: await self._before_invoke(instance, ctx) # type: ignore else: await self._before_invoke(ctx) # type: ignore # call the cog local hook if applicable: if cog is not None: hook = Cog._get_overridden_method(cog.cog_before_invoke) if hook is not None: await hook(ctx) # call the bot global hook if necessary hook = ctx.bot._before_invoke if hook is not None: await hook(ctx) async def call_after_hooks(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /) -> None: cog = self.cog if self._after_invoke is not None: instance = getattr(self._after_invoke, '__self__', cog) if instance: await self._after_invoke(instance, ctx) # type: ignore else: await self._after_invoke(ctx) # type: ignore # call the cog local hook if applicable: if cog is not None: hook = Cog._get_overridden_method(cog.cog_after_invoke) if hook is not None: await hook(ctx) hook = ctx.bot._after_invoke if hook is not None: await hook(ctx) def _prepare_cooldowns(self, ctx: Context[BotT]) -> None: if self._buckets.valid: dt = ctx.message.edited_at or ctx.message.created_at current = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp() bucket = self._buckets.get_bucket(ctx, current) if bucket is not None: retry_after = bucket.update_rate_limit(current) if retry_after: raise CommandOnCooldown(bucket, retry_after, self._buckets.type) # type: ignore async def prepare(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /) -> None: ctx.command = self if not await self.can_run(ctx): raise CheckFailure(f'The check functions for command {self.qualified_name} failed.') if self._max_concurrency is not None: # For this application, context can be duck-typed as a Message await self._max_concurrency.acquire(ctx) try: if self.cooldown_after_parsing: await self._parse_arguments(ctx) self._prepare_cooldowns(ctx) else: self._prepare_cooldowns(ctx) await self._parse_arguments(ctx) await self.call_before_hooks(ctx) except: if self._max_concurrency is not None: await self._max_concurrency.release(ctx) raise
[docs] def is_on_cooldown(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /) -> bool: """Checks whether the command is currently on cooldown. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``ctx`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- ctx: :class:`.Context` The invocation context to use when checking the commands cooldown status. Returns -------- :class:`bool` A boolean indicating if the command is on cooldown. """ if not self._buckets.valid: return False bucket = self._buckets.get_bucket(ctx) if bucket is None: return False dt = ctx.message.edited_at or ctx.message.created_at current = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp() return bucket.get_tokens(current) == 0
[docs] def reset_cooldown(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /) -> None: """Resets the cooldown on this command. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``ctx`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- ctx: :class:`.Context` The invocation context to reset the cooldown under. """ if self._buckets.valid: bucket = self._buckets.get_bucket(ctx) if bucket is not None: bucket.reset()
[docs] def get_cooldown_retry_after(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /) -> float: """Retrieves the amount of seconds before this command can be tried again. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``ctx`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- ctx: :class:`.Context` The invocation context to retrieve the cooldown from. Returns -------- :class:`float` The amount of time left on this command's cooldown in seconds. If this is ``0.0`` then the command isn't on cooldown. """ if self._buckets.valid: bucket = self._buckets.get_bucket(ctx) if bucket is None: return 0.0 dt = ctx.message.edited_at or ctx.message.created_at current = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp() return bucket.get_retry_after(current) return 0.0
async def invoke(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /) -> None: await self.prepare(ctx) # terminate the invoked_subcommand chain. # since we're in a regular command (and not a group) then # the invoked subcommand is None. ctx.invoked_subcommand = None ctx.subcommand_passed = None injected = hooked_wrapped_callback(self, ctx, self.callback) # type: ignore await injected(*ctx.args, **ctx.kwargs) # type: ignore async def reinvoke(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /, *, call_hooks: bool = False) -> None: ctx.command = self await self._parse_arguments(ctx) if call_hooks: await self.call_before_hooks(ctx) ctx.invoked_subcommand = None try: await self.callback(*ctx.args, **ctx.kwargs) # type: ignore except: ctx.command_failed = True raise finally: if call_hooks: await self.call_after_hooks(ctx) def error(self, coro: Error[CogT, ContextT], /) -> Error[CogT, ContextT]: """A decorator that registers a coroutine as a local error handler. A local error handler is an :func:`.on_command_error` event limited to a single command. However, the :func:`.on_command_error` is still invoked afterwards as the catch-all. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``coro`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- coro: :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` The coroutine to register as the local error handler. Raises ------- TypeError The coroutine passed is not actually a coroutine. """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError('The error handler must be a coroutine.') self.on_error: Error[CogT, Any] = coro return coro
[docs] def has_error_handler(self) -> bool: """:class:`bool`: Checks whether the command has an error handler registered. .. versionadded:: 1.7 """ return hasattr(self, 'on_error')
[docs] def before_invoke(self, coro: Hook[CogT, ContextT], /) -> Hook[CogT, ContextT]: """A decorator that registers a coroutine as a pre-invoke hook. A pre-invoke hook is called directly before the command is called. This makes it a useful function to set up database connections or any type of set up required. This pre-invoke hook takes a sole parameter, a :class:`.Context`. See :meth:`.Bot.before_invoke` for more info. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``coro`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- coro: :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` The coroutine to register as the pre-invoke hook. Raises ------- TypeError The coroutine passed is not actually a coroutine. """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError('The pre-invoke hook must be a coroutine.') self._before_invoke = coro return coro
[docs] def after_invoke(self, coro: Hook[CogT, ContextT], /) -> Hook[CogT, ContextT]: """A decorator that registers a coroutine as a post-invoke hook. A post-invoke hook is called directly after the command is called. This makes it a useful function to clean-up database connections or any type of clean up required. This post-invoke hook takes a sole parameter, a :class:`.Context`. See :meth:`.Bot.after_invoke` for more info. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``coro`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- coro: :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` The coroutine to register as the post-invoke hook. Raises ------- TypeError The coroutine passed is not actually a coroutine. """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError('The post-invoke hook must be a coroutine.') self._after_invoke = coro return coro
@property def cog_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[:class:`str`]: The name of the cog this command belongs to, if any.""" return type(self.cog).__cog_name__ if self.cog is not None else None @property def short_doc(self) -> str: """:class:`str`: Gets the "short" documentation of a command. By default, this is the :attr:`.brief` attribute. If that lookup leads to an empty string then the first line of the :attr:`.help` attribute is used instead. """ if self.brief is not None: return self.brief if self.help is not None: return self.help.split('\n', 1)[0] return '' def _is_typing_optional(self, annotation: Union[T, Optional[T]]) -> bool: return getattr(annotation, '__origin__', None) is Union and type(None) in annotation.__args__ # type: ignore @property def signature(self) -> str: """:class:`str`: Returns a POSIX-like signature useful for help command output.""" if self.usage is not None: return self.usage params = self.clean_params if not params: return '' result = [] for param in params.values(): name = param.displayed_name or param.name greedy = isinstance(param.converter, Greedy) optional = False # postpone evaluation of if it's an optional argument annotation: Any = param.converter.converter if greedy else param.converter origin = getattr(annotation, '__origin__', None) if not greedy and origin is Union: none_cls = type(None) union_args = annotation.__args__ optional = union_args[-1] is none_cls if len(union_args) == 2 and optional: annotation = union_args[0] origin = getattr(annotation, '__origin__', None) if annotation is discord.Attachment: # For discord.Attachment we need to signal to the user that it's an attachment # It's not exactly pretty but it's enough to differentiate if optional: result.append(f'[{name} (upload a file)]') elif greedy: result.append(f'[{name} (upload files)]...') else: result.append(f'<{name} (upload a file)>') continue # for typing.Literal[...], typing.Optional[typing.Literal[...]], and Greedy[typing.Literal[...]], the # parameter signature is a literal list of it's values if origin is Literal: name = '|'.join(f'"{v}"' if isinstance(v, str) else str(v) for v in annotation.__args__) if not param.required: # We don't want None or '' to trigger the [name=value] case and instead it should # do [name] since [name=None] or [name=] are not exactly useful for the user. if param.displayed_default: result.append( f'[{name}={param.displayed_default}]' if not greedy else f'[{name}={param.displayed_default}]...' ) continue else: result.append(f'[{name}]') elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: if self.require_var_positional: result.append(f'<{name}...>') else: result.append(f'[{name}...]') elif greedy: result.append(f'[{name}]...') elif optional: result.append(f'[{name}]') else: result.append(f'<{name}>') return ' '.join(result) async def can_run(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /) -> bool: """|coro| Checks if the command can be executed by checking all the predicates inside the :attr:`~Command.checks` attribute. This also checks whether the command is disabled. .. versionchanged:: 1.3 Checks whether the command is disabled or not .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``ctx`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- ctx: :class:`.Context` The ctx of the command currently being invoked. Raises ------- :class:`CommandError` Any command error that was raised during a check call will be propagated by this function. Returns -------- :class:`bool` A boolean indicating if the command can be invoked. """ if not self.enabled: raise DisabledCommand(f'{self.name} command is disabled') original = ctx.command ctx.command = self try: if not await ctx.bot.can_run(ctx): raise CheckFailure(f'The global check functions for command {self.qualified_name} failed.') cog = self.cog if cog is not None: local_check = Cog._get_overridden_method(cog.cog_check) if local_check is not None: ret = await discord.utils.maybe_coroutine(local_check, ctx) if not ret: return False predicates = self.checks if not predicates: # since we have no checks, then we just return True. return True return await discord.utils.async_all(predicate(ctx) for predicate in predicates) finally: ctx.command = original class GroupMixin(Generic[CogT]): """A mixin that implements common functionality for classes that behave similar to :class:`.Group` and are allowed to register commands. Attributes ----------- all_commands: :class:`dict` A mapping of command name to :class:`.Command` objects. case_insensitive: :class:`bool` Whether the commands should be case insensitive. Defaults to ``False``. """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: case_insensitive = kwargs.get('case_insensitive', False) self.all_commands: Dict[str, Command[CogT, ..., Any]] = _CaseInsensitiveDict() if case_insensitive else {} self.case_insensitive: bool = case_insensitive super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def commands(self) -> Set[Command[CogT, ..., Any]]: """Set[:class:`.Command`]: A unique set of commands without aliases that are registered.""" return set(self.all_commands.values()) def recursively_remove_all_commands(self) -> None: for command in self.all_commands.copy().values(): if isinstance(command, GroupMixin): command.recursively_remove_all_commands() self.remove_command(command.name) def add_command(self, command: Command[CogT, ..., Any], /) -> None: """Adds a :class:`.Command` into the internal list of commands. This is usually not called, instead the :meth:`~.GroupMixin.command` or :meth:`~.GroupMixin.group` shortcut decorators are used instead. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 Raise :exc:`.CommandRegistrationError` instead of generic :exc:`.ClientException` .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``command`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- command: :class:`Command` The command to add. Raises ------- CommandRegistrationError If the command or its alias is already registered by different command. TypeError If the command passed is not a subclass of :class:`.Command`. """ if not isinstance(command, Command): raise TypeError('The command passed must be a subclass of Command') if isinstance(self, Command): command.parent = self if command.name in self.all_commands: raise CommandRegistrationError(command.name) self.all_commands[command.name] = command for alias in command.aliases: if alias in self.all_commands: self.remove_command(command.name) raise CommandRegistrationError(alias, alias_conflict=True) self.all_commands[alias] = command def remove_command(self, name: str, /) -> Optional[Command[CogT, ..., Any]]: """Remove a :class:`.Command` from the internal list of commands. This could also be used as a way to remove aliases. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``name`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- name: :class:`str` The name of the command to remove. Returns -------- Optional[:class:`.Command`] The command that was removed. If the name is not valid then ``None`` is returned instead. """ command = self.all_commands.pop(name, None) # does not exist if command is None: return None if name in command.aliases: # we're removing an alias so we don't want to remove the rest return command # we're not removing the alias so let's delete the rest of them. for alias in command.aliases: cmd = self.all_commands.pop(alias, None) # in the case of a CommandRegistrationError, an alias might conflict # with an already existing command. If this is the case, we want to # make sure the pre-existing command is not removed. if cmd is not None and cmd != command: self.all_commands[alias] = cmd return command def walk_commands(self) -> Generator[Command[CogT, ..., Any], None, None]: """An iterator that recursively walks through all commands and subcommands. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 Duplicates due to aliases are no longer returned Yields ------ Union[:class:`.Command`, :class:`.Group`] A command or group from the internal list of commands. """ for command in self.commands: yield command if isinstance(command, GroupMixin): yield from command.walk_commands() def get_command(self, name: str, /) -> Optional[Command[CogT, ..., Any]]: """Get a :class:`.Command` from the internal list of commands. This could also be used as a way to get aliases. The name could be fully qualified (e.g. ``'foo bar'``) will get the subcommand ``bar`` of the group command ``foo``. If a subcommand is not found then ``None`` is returned just as usual. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``name`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- name: :class:`str` The name of the command to get. Returns -------- Optional[:class:`Command`] The command that was requested. If not found, returns ``None``. """ # fast path, no space in name. if ' ' not in name: return self.all_commands.get(name) names = name.split() if not names: return None obj = self.all_commands.get(names[0]) if not isinstance(obj, GroupMixin): return obj for name in names[1:]: try: obj = obj.all_commands[name] # type: ignore except (AttributeError, KeyError): return None return obj @overload def command( self: GroupMixin[CogT], name: str = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Callable[ [ Union[ Callable[Concatenate[CogT, ContextT, P], Coro[T]], Callable[Concatenate[ContextT, P], Coro[T]], ] ], Command[CogT, P, T], ]: ... @overload def command( self: GroupMixin[CogT], name: str = ..., cls: Type[CommandT] = ..., # type: ignore # previous overload handles case where cls is not set *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Callable[ [ Union[ Callable[Concatenate[CogT, ContextT, P], Coro[T]], Callable[Concatenate[ContextT, P], Coro[T]], ] ], CommandT, ]: ... def command( self, name: str = MISSING, cls: Type[Command[Any, ..., Any]] = MISSING, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """A shortcut decorator that invokes :func:`~discord.ext.commands.command` and adds it to the internal command list via :meth:`~.GroupMixin.add_command`. Returns -------- Callable[..., :class:`Command`] A decorator that converts the provided method into a Command, adds it to the bot, then returns it. """ def decorator(func): kwargs.setdefault('parent', self) result = command(name=name, cls=cls, *args, **kwargs)(func) self.add_command(result) return result return decorator @overload def group( self: GroupMixin[CogT], name: str = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Callable[ [ Union[ Callable[Concatenate[CogT, ContextT, P], Coro[T]], Callable[Concatenate[ContextT, P], Coro[T]], ] ], Group[CogT, P, T], ]: ... @overload def group( self: GroupMixin[CogT], name: str = ..., cls: Type[GroupT] = ..., # type: ignore # previous overload handles case where cls is not set *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Callable[ [ Union[ Callable[Concatenate[CogT, ContextT, P], Coro[T]], Callable[Concatenate[ContextT, P], Coro[T]], ] ], GroupT, ]: ... def group( self, name: str = MISSING, cls: Type[Group[Any, ..., Any]] = MISSING, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """A shortcut decorator that invokes :func:`.group` and adds it to the internal command list via :meth:`~.GroupMixin.add_command`. Returns -------- Callable[..., :class:`Group`] A decorator that converts the provided method into a Group, adds it to the bot, then returns it. """ def decorator(func): kwargs.setdefault('parent', self) result = group(name=name, cls=cls, *args, **kwargs)(func) self.add_command(result) return result return decorator class Group(GroupMixin[CogT], Command[CogT, P, T]): """A class that implements a grouping protocol for commands to be executed as subcommands. This class is a subclass of :class:`.Command` and thus all options valid in :class:`.Command` are valid in here as well. Attributes ----------- invoke_without_command: :class:`bool` Indicates if the group callback should begin parsing and invocation only if no subcommand was found. Useful for making it an error handling function to tell the user that no subcommand was found or to have different functionality in case no subcommand was found. If this is ``False``, then the group callback will always be invoked first. This means that the checks and the parsing dictated by its parameters will be executed. Defaults to ``False``. case_insensitive: :class:`bool` Indicates if the group's commands should be case insensitive. Defaults to ``False``. """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **attrs: Any) -> None: self.invoke_without_command: bool = attrs.pop('invoke_without_command', False) super().__init__(*args, **attrs) def copy(self) -> Self: """Creates a copy of this :class:`Group`. Returns -------- :class:`Group` A new instance of this group. """ ret = super().copy() for cmd in self.commands: ret.add_command(cmd.copy()) return ret async def invoke(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /) -> None: ctx.invoked_subcommand = None ctx.subcommand_passed = None early_invoke = not self.invoke_without_command if early_invoke: await self.prepare(ctx) view = ctx.view previous = view.index view.skip_ws() trigger = view.get_word() if trigger: ctx.subcommand_passed = trigger ctx.invoked_subcommand = self.all_commands.get(trigger, None) if early_invoke: injected = hooked_wrapped_callback(self, ctx, self.callback) # type: ignore await injected(*ctx.args, **ctx.kwargs) # type: ignore ctx.invoked_parents.append(ctx.invoked_with) # type: ignore if trigger and ctx.invoked_subcommand: ctx.invoked_with = trigger await ctx.invoked_subcommand.invoke(ctx) elif not early_invoke: # undo the trigger parsing view.index = previous view.previous = previous await super().invoke(ctx) async def reinvoke(self, ctx: Context[BotT], /, *, call_hooks: bool = False) -> None: ctx.invoked_subcommand = None early_invoke = not self.invoke_without_command if early_invoke: ctx.command = self await self._parse_arguments(ctx) if call_hooks: await self.call_before_hooks(ctx) view = ctx.view previous = view.index view.skip_ws() trigger = view.get_word() if trigger: ctx.subcommand_passed = trigger ctx.invoked_subcommand = self.all_commands.get(trigger, None) if early_invoke: try: await self.callback(*ctx.args, **ctx.kwargs) # type: ignore except: ctx.command_failed = True raise finally: if call_hooks: await self.call_after_hooks(ctx) ctx.invoked_parents.append(ctx.invoked_with) # type: ignore if trigger and ctx.invoked_subcommand: ctx.invoked_with = trigger await ctx.invoked_subcommand.reinvoke(ctx, call_hooks=call_hooks) elif not early_invoke: # undo the trigger parsing view.index = previous view.previous = previous await super().reinvoke(ctx, call_hooks=call_hooks) # Decorators if TYPE_CHECKING: # Using a class to emulate a function allows for overloading the inner function in the decorator. class _CommandDecorator: @overload def __call__(self, func: Callable[Concatenate[CogT, ContextT, P], Coro[T]], /) -> Command[CogT, P, T]: ... @overload def __call__(self, func: Callable[Concatenate[ContextT, P], Coro[T]], /) -> Command[None, P, T]: ... def __call__(self, func: Callable[..., Coro[T]], /) -> Any: ... class _GroupDecorator: @overload def __call__(self, func: Callable[Concatenate[CogT, ContextT, P], Coro[T]], /) -> Group[CogT, P, T]: ... @overload def __call__(self, func: Callable[Concatenate[ContextT, P], Coro[T]], /) -> Group[None, P, T]: ... def __call__(self, func: Callable[..., Coro[T]], /) -> Any: ... @overload def command( name: str = ..., **attrs: Any, ) -> _CommandDecorator: ... @overload def command( name: str = ..., cls: Type[CommandT] = ..., # type: ignore # previous overload handles case where cls is not set **attrs: Any, ) -> Callable[ [ Union[ Callable[Concatenate[ContextT, P], Coro[Any]], Callable[Concatenate[CogT, ContextT, P], Coro[Any]], # type: ignore # CogT is used here to allow covariance ] ], CommandT, ]: ... def command( name: str = MISSING, cls: Type[Command[Any, ..., Any]] = MISSING, **attrs: Any, ) -> Any: """A decorator that transforms a function into a :class:`.Command` or if called with :func:`.group`, :class:`.Group`. By default the ``help`` attribute is received automatically from the docstring of the function and is cleaned up with the use of ``inspect.cleandoc``. If the docstring is ``bytes``, then it is decoded into :class:`str` using utf-8 encoding. All checks added using the :func:`.check` & co. decorators are added into the function. There is no way to supply your own checks through this decorator. Parameters ----------- name: :class:`str` The name to create the command with. By default this uses the function name unchanged. cls The class to construct with. By default this is :class:`.Command`. You usually do not change this. attrs Keyword arguments to pass into the construction of the class denoted by ``cls``. Raises ------- TypeError If the function is not a coroutine or is already a command. """ if cls is MISSING: cls = Command def decorator(func): if isinstance(func, Command): raise TypeError('Callback is already a command.') return cls(func, name=name, **attrs) return decorator @overload def group( name: str = ..., **attrs: Any, ) -> _GroupDecorator: ... @overload def group( name: str = ..., cls: Type[GroupT] = ..., # type: ignore # previous overload handles case where cls is not set **attrs: Any, ) -> Callable[ [ Union[ Callable[Concatenate[CogT, ContextT, P], Coro[Any]], # type: ignore # CogT is used here to allow covariance Callable[Concatenate[ContextT, P], Coro[Any]], ] ], GroupT, ]: ... def group( name: str = MISSING, cls: Type[Group[Any, ..., Any]] = MISSING, **attrs: Any, ) -> Any: """A decorator that transforms a function into a :class:`.Group`. This is similar to the :func:`~discord.ext.commands.command` decorator but the ``cls`` parameter is set to :class:`Group` by default. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 The ``cls`` parameter can now be passed. """ if cls is MISSING: cls = Group return command(name=name, cls=cls, **attrs) def check(predicate: UserCheck[ContextT], /) -> Check[ContextT]: r"""A decorator that adds a check to the :class:`.Command` or its subclasses. These checks could be accessed via :attr:`.Command.checks`. These checks should be predicates that take in a single parameter taking a :class:`.Context`. If the check returns a ``False``\-like value then during invocation a :exc:`.CheckFailure` exception is raised and sent to the :func:`.on_command_error` event. If an exception should be thrown in the predicate then it should be a subclass of :exc:`.CommandError`. Any exception not subclassed from it will be propagated while those subclassed will be sent to :func:`.on_command_error`. A special attribute named ``predicate`` is bound to the value returned by this decorator to retrieve the predicate passed to the decorator. This allows the following introspection and chaining to be done: .. code-block:: python3 def owner_or_permissions(**perms): original = commands.has_permissions(**perms).predicate async def extended_check(ctx): if ctx.guild is None: return False return ctx.guild.owner_id == ctx.author.id or await original(ctx) return commands.check(extended_check) .. note:: The function returned by ``predicate`` is **always** a coroutine, even if the original function was not a coroutine. .. versionchanged:: 1.3 The ``predicate`` attribute was added. Examples --------- Creating a basic check to see if the command invoker is you. .. code-block:: python3 def check_if_it_is_me(ctx): return ctx.message.author.id == 85309593344815104 @bot.command() @commands.check(check_if_it_is_me) async def only_for_me(ctx): await ctx.send('I know you!') Transforming common checks into its own decorator: .. code-block:: python3 def is_me(): def predicate(ctx): return ctx.message.author.id == 85309593344815104 return commands.check(predicate) @bot.command() @is_me() async def only_me(ctx): await ctx.send('Only you!') .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``predicate`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- predicate: Callable[[:class:`Context`], :class:`bool`] The predicate to check if the command should be invoked. """ def decorator(func: Union[Command[Any, ..., Any], CoroFunc]) -> Union[Command[Any, ..., Any], CoroFunc]: if isinstance(func, Command): func.checks.append(predicate) # type: ignore else: if not hasattr(func, '__commands_checks__'): func.__commands_checks__ = [] func.__commands_checks__.append(predicate) return func if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(predicate): decorator.predicate = predicate else: @functools.wraps(predicate) async def wrapper(ctx: ContextT): return predicate(ctx) decorator.predicate = wrapper return decorator # type: ignore def check_any(*checks: Check[ContextT]) -> Check[ContextT]: r"""A :func:`check` that is added that checks if any of the checks passed will pass, i.e. using logical OR. If all checks fail then :exc:`.CheckAnyFailure` is raised to signal the failure. It inherits from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. .. note:: The ``predicate`` attribute for this function **is** a coroutine. .. versionadded:: 1.3 Parameters ------------ \*checks: Callable[[:class:`Context`], :class:`bool`] An argument list of checks that have been decorated with the :func:`check` decorator. Raises ------- TypeError A check passed has not been decorated with the :func:`check` decorator. Examples --------- Creating a basic check to see if it's the bot owner or the server owner: .. code-block:: python3 def is_guild_owner(): def predicate(ctx): return ctx.guild is not None and ctx.guild.owner_id == ctx.author.id return commands.check(predicate) @bot.command() @commands.check_any(commands.is_owner(), is_guild_owner()) async def only_for_owners(ctx): await ctx.send('Hello mister owner!') """ unwrapped = [] for wrapped in checks: try: pred = wrapped.predicate except AttributeError: raise TypeError(f'{wrapped!r} must be wrapped by commands.check decorator') from None else: unwrapped.append(pred) async def predicate(ctx: Context[BotT]) -> bool: errors = [] for func in unwrapped: try: value = await func(ctx) except CheckFailure as e: errors.append(e) else: if value: return True # if we're here, all checks failed raise CheckAnyFailure(unwrapped, errors) return check(predicate) # type: ignore def has_role(item: Union[int, str], /) -> Check[Any]: """A :func:`.check` that is added that checks if the member invoking the command has the role specified via the name or ID specified. If a string is specified, you must give the exact name of the role, including caps and spelling. If an integer is specified, you must give the exact snowflake ID of the role. If the message is invoked in a private message context then the check will return ``False``. This check raises one of two special exceptions, :exc:`.MissingRole` if the user is missing a role, or :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage` if it is used in a private message. Both inherit from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Raise :exc:`.MissingRole` or :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage` instead of generic :exc:`.CheckFailure` .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``item`` parameter is now positional-only. Parameters ----------- item: Union[:class:`int`, :class:`str`] The name or ID of the role to check. """ def predicate(ctx: Context[BotT]) -> bool: if ctx.guild is None: raise NoPrivateMessage() # ctx.guild is None doesn't narrow ctx.author to Member if isinstance(item, int): role = ctx.author.get_role(item) # type: ignore else: role = discord.utils.get(ctx.author.roles, name=item) # type: ignore if role is None: raise MissingRole(item) return True return check(predicate) def has_any_role(*items: Union[int, str]) -> Callable[[T], T]: r"""A :func:`.check` that is added that checks if the member invoking the command has **any** of the roles specified. This means that if they have one out of the three roles specified, then this check will return ``True``. Similar to :func:`.has_role`\, the names or IDs passed in must be exact. This check raises one of two special exceptions, :exc:`.MissingAnyRole` if the user is missing all roles, or :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage` if it is used in a private message. Both inherit from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Raise :exc:`.MissingAnyRole` or :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage` instead of generic :exc:`.CheckFailure` Parameters ----------- items: List[Union[:class:`str`, :class:`int`]] An argument list of names or IDs to check that the member has roles wise. Example -------- .. code-block:: python3 @bot.command() @commands.has_any_role('Library Devs', 'Moderators', 492212595072434186) async def cool(ctx): await ctx.send('You are cool indeed') """ def predicate(ctx): if ctx.guild is None: raise NoPrivateMessage() # ctx.guild is None doesn't narrow ctx.author to Member if any( ctx.author.get_role(item) is not None if isinstance(item, int) else discord.utils.get(ctx.author.roles, name=item) is not None for item in items ): return True raise MissingAnyRole(list(items)) return check(predicate) def bot_has_role(item: int, /) -> Callable[[T], T]: """Similar to :func:`.has_role` except checks if the bot itself has the role. This check raises one of two special exceptions, :exc:`.BotMissingRole` if the bot is missing the role, or :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage` if it is used in a private message. Both inherit from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Raise :exc:`.BotMissingRole` or :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage` instead of generic :exc:`.CheckFailure` .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``item`` parameter is now positional-only. """ def predicate(ctx): if ctx.guild is None: raise NoPrivateMessage() if isinstance(item, int): role = ctx.me.get_role(item) else: role = discord.utils.get(ctx.me.roles, name=item) if role is None: raise BotMissingRole(item) return True return check(predicate) def bot_has_any_role(*items: int) -> Callable[[T], T]: """Similar to :func:`.has_any_role` except checks if the bot itself has any of the roles listed. This check raises one of two special exceptions, :exc:`.BotMissingAnyRole` if the bot is missing all roles, or :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage` if it is used in a private message. Both inherit from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Raise :exc:`.BotMissingAnyRole` or :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage` instead of generic checkfailure """ def predicate(ctx): if ctx.guild is None: raise NoPrivateMessage() me = ctx.me if any( me.get_role(item) is not None if isinstance(item, int) else discord.utils.get(me.roles, name=item) is not None for item in items ): return True raise BotMissingAnyRole(list(items)) return check(predicate) def has_permissions(**perms: bool) -> Check[Any]: """A :func:`.check` that is added that checks if the member has all of the permissions necessary. Note that this check operates on the current channel permissions, not the guild wide permissions. The permissions passed in must be exactly like the properties shown under :class:`.discord.Permissions`. This check raises a special exception, :exc:`.MissingPermissions` that is inherited from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. Parameters ------------ perms An argument list of permissions to check for. Example --------- .. code-block:: python3 @bot.command() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def test(ctx): await ctx.send('You can manage messages.') """ invalid = set(perms) - set(discord.Permissions.VALID_FLAGS) if invalid: raise TypeError(f"Invalid permission(s): {', '.join(invalid)}") def predicate(ctx: Context[BotT]) -> bool: permissions = ctx.permissions missing = [perm for perm, value in perms.items() if getattr(permissions, perm) != value] if not missing: return True raise MissingPermissions(missing) return check(predicate) def bot_has_permissions(**perms: bool) -> Check[Any]: """Similar to :func:`.has_permissions` except checks if the bot itself has the permissions listed. This check raises a special exception, :exc:`.BotMissingPermissions` that is inherited from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. """ invalid = set(perms) - set(discord.Permissions.VALID_FLAGS) if invalid: raise TypeError(f"Invalid permission(s): {', '.join(invalid)}") def predicate(ctx: Context[BotT]) -> bool: permissions = ctx.bot_permissions missing = [perm for perm, value in perms.items() if getattr(permissions, perm) != value] if not missing: return True raise BotMissingPermissions(missing) return check(predicate) def has_guild_permissions(**perms: bool) -> Check[Any]: """Similar to :func:`.has_permissions`, but operates on guild wide permissions instead of the current channel permissions. If this check is called in a DM context, it will raise an exception, :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage`. .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ invalid = set(perms) - set(discord.Permissions.VALID_FLAGS) if invalid: raise TypeError(f"Invalid permission(s): {', '.join(invalid)}") def predicate(ctx: Context[BotT]) -> bool: if not ctx.guild: raise NoPrivateMessage permissions = ctx.author.guild_permissions # type: ignore missing = [perm for perm, value in perms.items() if getattr(permissions, perm) != value] if not missing: return True raise MissingPermissions(missing) return check(predicate) def bot_has_guild_permissions(**perms: bool) -> Check[Any]: """Similar to :func:`.has_guild_permissions`, but checks the bot members guild permissions. .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ invalid = set(perms) - set(discord.Permissions.VALID_FLAGS) if invalid: raise TypeError(f"Invalid permission(s): {', '.join(invalid)}") def predicate(ctx: Context[BotT]) -> bool: if not ctx.guild: raise NoPrivateMessage permissions = ctx.me.guild_permissions # type: ignore missing = [perm for perm, value in perms.items() if getattr(permissions, perm) != value] if not missing: return True raise BotMissingPermissions(missing) return check(predicate) def dm_only() -> Check[Any]: """A :func:`.check` that indicates this command must only be used in a DM context. Only private messages are allowed when using the command. This check raises a special exception, :exc:`.PrivateMessageOnly` that is inherited from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ def predicate(ctx: Context[BotT]) -> bool: if ctx.guild is not None: raise PrivateMessageOnly() return True return check(predicate) def guild_only() -> Check[Any]: """A :func:`.check` that indicates this command must only be used in a guild context only. Basically, no private messages are allowed when using the command. This check raises a special exception, :exc:`.NoPrivateMessage` that is inherited from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. If used on hybrid commands, this will be equivalent to the :func:`discord.app_commands.guild_only` decorator. In an unsupported context, such as a subcommand, this will still fallback to applying the check. """ # Due to implementation quirks, this check has to be re-implemented completely # to work with both app_commands and the command framework. def predicate(ctx: Context[BotT]) -> bool: if ctx.guild is None: raise NoPrivateMessage() return True def decorator(func: Union[Command, CoroFunc]) -> Union[Command, CoroFunc]: if isinstance(func, Command): func.checks.append(predicate) if hasattr(func, '__commands_is_hybrid__'): app_command = getattr(func, 'app_command', None) if app_command: app_command.guild_only = True else: if not hasattr(func, '__commands_checks__'): func.__commands_checks__ = [] func.__commands_checks__.append(predicate) func.__discord_app_commands_guild_only__ = True return func if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(predicate): decorator.predicate = predicate else: @functools.wraps(predicate) async def wrapper(ctx: Context[BotT]): return predicate(ctx) decorator.predicate = wrapper return decorator # type: ignore def is_owner() -> Check[Any]: """A :func:`.check` that checks if the person invoking this command is the owner of the bot. This is powered by :meth:`.Bot.is_owner`. This check raises a special exception, :exc:`.NotOwner` that is derived from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. """ async def predicate(ctx: Context[BotT]) -> bool: if not await ctx.bot.is_owner(ctx.author): raise NotOwner('You do not own this bot.') return True return check(predicate) def is_nsfw() -> Check[Any]: """A :func:`.check` that checks if the channel is a NSFW channel. This check raises a special exception, :exc:`.NSFWChannelRequired` that is derived from :exc:`.CheckFailure`. If used on hybrid commands, this will be equivalent to setting the application command's ``nsfw`` attribute to ``True``. In an unsupported context, such as a subcommand, this will still fallback to applying the check. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Raise :exc:`.NSFWChannelRequired` instead of generic :exc:`.CheckFailure`. DM channels will also now pass this check. """ # Due to implementation quirks, this check has to be re-implemented completely # to work with both app_commands and the command framework. def predicate(ctx: Context[BotT]) -> bool: ch = ctx.channel if ctx.guild is None or ( isinstance(ch, (discord.TextChannel, discord.Thread, discord.VoiceChannel)) and ch.is_nsfw() ): return True raise NSFWChannelRequired(ch) # type: ignore def decorator(func: Union[Command, CoroFunc]) -> Union[Command, CoroFunc]: if isinstance(func, Command): func.checks.append(predicate) if hasattr(func, '__commands_is_hybrid__'): app_command = getattr(func, 'app_command', None) if app_command: app_command.nsfw = True else: if not hasattr(func, '__commands_checks__'): func.__commands_checks__ = [] func.__commands_checks__.append(predicate) func.__discord_app_commands_is_nsfw__ = True return func if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(predicate): decorator.predicate = predicate else: @functools.wraps(predicate) async def wrapper(ctx: Context[BotT]): return predicate(ctx) decorator.predicate = wrapper return decorator # type: ignore def cooldown( rate: int, per: float, type: Union[BucketType, Callable[[Context[Any]], Any]] = BucketType.default, ) -> Callable[[T], T]: """A decorator that adds a cooldown to a :class:`.Command` A cooldown allows a command to only be used a specific amount of times in a specific time frame. These cooldowns can be based either on a per-guild, per-channel, per-user, per-role or global basis. Denoted by the third argument of ``type`` which must be of enum type :class:`.BucketType`. If a cooldown is triggered, then :exc:`.CommandOnCooldown` is triggered in :func:`.on_command_error` and the local error handler. A command can only have a single cooldown. Parameters ------------ rate: :class:`int` The number of times a command can be used before triggering a cooldown. per: :class:`float` The amount of seconds to wait for a cooldown when it's been triggered. type: Union[:class:`.BucketType`, Callable[[:class:`.Context`], Any]] The type of cooldown to have. If callable, should return a key for the mapping. .. versionchanged:: 1.7 Callables are now supported for custom bucket types. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 When passing a callable, it now needs to accept :class:`.Context` rather than :class:`~discord.Message` as its only argument. """ def decorator(func: Union[Command, CoroFunc]) -> Union[Command, CoroFunc]: if isinstance(func, Command): func._buckets = CooldownMapping(Cooldown(rate, per), type) else: func.__commands_cooldown__ = CooldownMapping(Cooldown(rate, per), type) return func return decorator # type: ignore def dynamic_cooldown( cooldown: Callable[[Context[Any]], Optional[Cooldown]], type: Union[BucketType, Callable[[Context[Any]], Any]], ) -> Callable[[T], T]: """A decorator that adds a dynamic cooldown to a :class:`.Command` This differs from :func:`.cooldown` in that it takes a function that accepts a single parameter of type :class:`.Context` and must return a :class:`~discord.app_commands.Cooldown` or ``None``. If ``None`` is returned then that cooldown is effectively bypassed. A cooldown allows a command to only be used a specific amount of times in a specific time frame. These cooldowns can be based either on a per-guild, per-channel, per-user, per-role or global basis. Denoted by the third argument of ``type`` which must be of enum type :class:`.BucketType`. If a cooldown is triggered, then :exc:`.CommandOnCooldown` is triggered in :func:`.on_command_error` and the local error handler. A command can only have a single cooldown. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ------------ cooldown: Callable[[:class:`.Context`], Optional[:class:`~discord.app_commands.Cooldown`]] A function that takes a message and returns a cooldown that will apply to this invocation or ``None`` if the cooldown should be bypassed. type: :class:`.BucketType` The type of cooldown to have. """ if not callable(cooldown): raise TypeError("A callable must be provided") if type is BucketType.default: raise ValueError('BucketType.default cannot be used in dynamic cooldowns') def decorator(func: Union[Command, CoroFunc]) -> Union[Command, CoroFunc]: if isinstance(func, Command): func._buckets = DynamicCooldownMapping(cooldown, type) else: func.__commands_cooldown__ = DynamicCooldownMapping(cooldown, type) return func return decorator # type: ignore def max_concurrency(number: int, per: BucketType = BucketType.default, *, wait: bool = False) -> Callable[[T], T]: """A decorator that adds a maximum concurrency to a :class:`.Command` or its subclasses. This enables you to only allow a certain number of command invocations at the same time, for example if a command takes too long or if only one user can use it at a time. This differs from a cooldown in that there is no set waiting period or token bucket -- only a set number of people can run the command. .. versionadded:: 1.3 Parameters ------------- number: :class:`int` The maximum number of invocations of this command that can be running at the same time. per: :class:`.BucketType` The bucket that this concurrency is based on, e.g. ``BucketType.guild`` would allow it to be used up to ``number`` times per guild. wait: :class:`bool` Whether the command should wait for the queue to be over. If this is set to ``False`` then instead of waiting until the command can run again, the command raises :exc:`.MaxConcurrencyReached` to its error handler. If this is set to ``True`` then the command waits until it can be executed. """ def decorator(func: Union[Command, CoroFunc]) -> Union[Command, CoroFunc]: value = MaxConcurrency(number, per=per, wait=wait) if isinstance(func, Command): func._max_concurrency = value else: func.__commands_max_concurrency__ = value return func return decorator # type: ignore def before_invoke(coro: Hook[CogT, ContextT], /) -> Callable[[T], T]: """A decorator that registers a coroutine as a pre-invoke hook. This allows you to refer to one before invoke hook for several commands that do not have to be within the same cog. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``coro`` parameter is now positional-only. Example --------- .. code-block:: python3 async def record_usage(ctx): print(ctx.author, 'used', ctx.command, 'at', ctx.message.created_at) @bot.command() @commands.before_invoke(record_usage) async def who(ctx): # Output: <User> used who at <Time> await ctx.send('i am a bot') class What(commands.Cog): @commands.before_invoke(record_usage) @commands.command() async def when(self, ctx): # Output: <User> used when at <Time> await ctx.send(f'and i have existed since {ctx.bot.user.created_at}') @commands.command() async def where(self, ctx): # Output: <Nothing> await ctx.send('on Discord') @commands.command() async def why(self, ctx): # Output: <Nothing> await ctx.send('because someone made me') """ def decorator(func: Union[Command, CoroFunc]) -> Union[Command, CoroFunc]: if isinstance(func, Command): func.before_invoke(coro) else: func.__before_invoke__ = coro return func return decorator # type: ignore def after_invoke(coro: Hook[CogT, ContextT], /) -> Callable[[T], T]: """A decorator that registers a coroutine as a post-invoke hook. This allows you to refer to one after invoke hook for several commands that do not have to be within the same cog. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. versionchanged:: 2.0 ``coro`` parameter is now positional-only. """ def decorator(func: Union[Command, CoroFunc]) -> Union[Command, CoroFunc]: if isinstance(func, Command): func.after_invoke(coro) else: func.__after_invoke__ = coro return func return decorator # type: ignore