Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Union, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Literal
from functools import wraps

import discord

from redbot.core.utils import AsyncIter
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import humanize_number
from . import Config, errors, commands
from .i18n import Translator

from .errors import BankPruneError

    from .bot import Red

_ = Translator("Bank API", __file__)

__all__ = (

_MAX_BALANCE = 2**63 - 1


    "schema_version": 0,
    "is_global": False,
    "bank_name": "Twentysix bank",
    "currency": "credits",
    "default_balance": 100,
    "max_balance": _MAX_BALANCE,

    "bank_name": "Twentysix bank",
    "currency": "credits",
    "default_balance": 100,
    "max_balance": _MAX_BALANCE,

_DEFAULT_MEMBER = {"name": "", "balance": 0, "created_at": 0}


_config: Config = None

log = logging.getLogger("")

_data_deletion_lock = asyncio.Lock()

_cache_is_global = None
_cache = {"bank_name": None, "currency": None, "default_balance": None, "max_balance": None}

async def _init():
    global _config
    _config = Config.get_conf(None, 384734293238749, cog_name="Bank", force_registration=True)
    await _migrate_config()

async def _migrate_config():
    schema_version = await _config.schema_version()

    if schema_version == _SCHEMA_VERSION:

    if schema_version == 0:
        await _schema_0_to_1()
        schema_version += 1
        await _config.schema_version.set(schema_version)

async def _schema_0_to_1():
    # convert floats in bank balances to ints

    # don't use anything seen below in extensions, it's optimized and controlled for here,
    # but can't be safe in 3rd party use

    # this CANNOT use ctx manager, because ctx managers compare before and after,
    # and floats can be equal to ints: (1.0 == 1) is True
    group = _config._get_base_group(_config.USER)
    bank_user_data = await group.all()
    for user_config in bank_user_data.values():
        if "balance" in user_config:
            user_config["balance"] = int(user_config["balance"])
    await group.set(bank_user_data)

    group = _config._get_base_group(_config.MEMBER)
    bank_member_data = await group.all()
    for guild_data in bank_member_data.values():
        for member_config in guild_data.values():
            if "balance" in member_config:
                member_config["balance"] = int(member_config["balance"])
    await group.set(bank_member_data)

async def _process_data_deletion(
    *, requester: Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"], user_id: int
    Bank has no reason to keep any of this data
    if the user doesn't want it kept,
    we won't special case any request type
    if requester not in ("discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"):
            "Got unknown data request type `{req_type}` for user, deleting anyway",

    async with _data_deletion_lock:
        await _config.user_from_id(user_id).clear()
        all_members = await _config.all_members()
        async for guild_id, member_dict in AsyncIter(all_members.items(), steps=100):
            if user_id in member_dict:
                await _config.member_from_ids(guild_id, user_id).clear()

[docs]def is_owner_if_bank_global(): """ Restrict the command to the bot owner if the bank is global, otherwise ensure it's used in guild (WITHOUT checking any user permissions). When used on the command, this should be combined with permissions check like `guildowner_or_permissions()`. This is a `command check <discord.ext.commands.check>`. Example ------- .. code-block:: python @bank.is_owner_if_bank_global() @commands.guildowner() async def bankset(self, ctx: commands.Context): \"""Base command for bank settings.\""" If the bank is global, the ``[p]bankset`` command can only be used by the bot owners in both guilds and DMs. If the bank is local, the command can only be used in guilds by guild and bot owners. """ async def pred(ctx: commands.Context): author = if not await is_global(): if not ctx.guild: return False return True else: return await return commands.check(pred)
[docs]class Account: """A single account. This class should ONLY be instantiated by the bank itself.""" def __init__(self, name: str, balance: int, created_at: datetime): = name self.balance = balance self.created_at = created_at
def _encoded_current_time() -> int: """Get the current UTC time as a timestamp. Returns ------- int The current UTC timestamp. """ now = return _encode_time(now) def _encode_time(time: datetime) -> int: """Convert a datetime object to a serializable int. Parameters ---------- time : datetime.datetime The datetime to convert. Returns ------- int The timestamp of the datetime object. """ ret = int(time.timestamp()) return ret def _decode_time(time: int) -> datetime: """Convert a timestamp to a datetime object. Parameters ---------- time : int The timestamp to decode. Returns ------- datetime.datetime The datetime object from the timestamp. """ return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time)
[docs]async def get_balance(member: discord.Member) -> int: """Get the current balance of a member. Parameters ---------- member : discord.Member The member whose balance to check. Returns ------- int The member's balance """ acc = await get_account(member) return acc.balance
[docs]async def can_spend(member: discord.Member, amount: int) -> bool: """Determine if a member can spend the given amount. Parameters ---------- member : discord.Member The member wanting to spend. amount : int The amount the member wants to spend. Raises ------ TypeError If the amount is not an `int`. Returns ------- bool :code:`True` if the member has a sufficient balance to spend the amount, else :code:`False`. """ if not isinstance(amount, int): raise TypeError("Amount must be of type int, not {}.".format(type(amount))) if _invalid_amount(amount): return False return await get_balance(member) >= amount
[docs]async def set_balance(member: Union[discord.Member, discord.User], amount: int) -> int: """Set an account balance. Parameters ---------- member : Union[discord.Member, discord.User] The member whose balance to set. amount : int The amount to set the balance to. Returns ------- int New account balance. Raises ------ ValueError If attempting to set the balance to a negative number. RuntimeError If the bank is guild-specific and a discord.User object is provided. BalanceTooHigh If attempting to set the balance to a value greater than ``bank._MAX_BALANCE``. TypeError If the amount is not an `int`. """ if not isinstance(amount, int): raise TypeError("Amount must be of type int, not {}.".format(type(amount))) if amount < 0: raise ValueError("Not allowed to have negative balance.") guild = getattr(member, "guild", None) max_bal = await get_max_balance(guild) if amount > max_bal: currency = await get_currency_name(guild) raise errors.BalanceTooHigh( user=member.display_name, max_balance=max_bal, currency_name=currency ) if await is_global(): group = _config.user(member) else: group = _config.member(member) await group.balance.set(amount) if await group.created_at() == 0: time = _encoded_current_time() await group.created_at.set(time) if await == "": await return amount
def _invalid_amount(amount: int) -> bool: return amount < 0
[docs]async def withdraw_credits(member: discord.Member, amount: int) -> int: """Remove a certain amount of credits from an account. Parameters ---------- member : discord.Member The member to withdraw credits from. amount : int The amount to withdraw. Returns ------- int New account balance. Raises ------ ValueError If the withdrawal amount is invalid or if the account has insufficient funds. TypeError If the withdrawal amount is not an `int`. """ if not isinstance(amount, int): raise TypeError("Withdrawal amount must be of type int, not {}.".format(type(amount))) if _invalid_amount(amount): raise ValueError( "Invalid withdrawal amount {} < 0".format( humanize_number(amount, override_locale="en_US") ) ) bal = await get_balance(member) if amount > bal: raise ValueError( "Insufficient funds {} > {}".format( humanize_number(amount, override_locale="en_US"), humanize_number(bal, override_locale="en_US"), ) ) return await set_balance(member, bal - amount)
[docs]async def deposit_credits(member: discord.Member, amount: int) -> int: """Add a given amount of credits to an account. Parameters ---------- member : discord.Member The member to deposit credits to. amount : int The amount to deposit. Returns ------- int The new balance. Raises ------ ValueError If the deposit amount is invalid. TypeError If the deposit amount is not an `int`. """ if not isinstance(amount, int): raise TypeError("Deposit amount must be of type int, not {}.".format(type(amount))) if _invalid_amount(amount): raise ValueError( "Invalid deposit amount {} <= 0".format( humanize_number(amount, override_locale="en_US") ) ) bal = await get_balance(member) return await set_balance(member, amount + bal)
[docs]async def transfer_credits( from_: Union[discord.Member, discord.User], to: Union[discord.Member, discord.User], amount: int, ): """Transfer a given amount of credits from one account to another. Parameters ---------- from_: Union[discord.Member, discord.User] The member to transfer from. to : Union[discord.Member, discord.User] The member to transfer to. amount : int The amount to transfer. Returns ------- int The new balance of the member gaining credits. Raises ------ ValueError If the amount is invalid or if ``from_`` has insufficient funds. TypeError If the amount is not an `int`. RuntimeError If the bank is guild-specific and a discord.User object is provided. BalanceTooHigh If the balance after the transfer would be greater than ``bank._MAX_BALANCE``. """ if not isinstance(amount, int): raise TypeError("Transfer amount must be of type int, not {}.".format(type(amount))) if _invalid_amount(amount): raise ValueError( "Invalid transfer amount {} <= 0".format( humanize_number(amount, override_locale="en_US") ) ) guild = getattr(to, "guild", None) max_bal = await get_max_balance(guild) if await get_balance(to) + amount > max_bal: currency = await get_currency_name(guild) raise errors.BalanceTooHigh( user=to.display_name, max_balance=max_bal, currency_name=currency ) await withdraw_credits(from_, amount) return await deposit_credits(to, amount)
[docs]async def wipe_bank(guild: Optional[discord.Guild] = None) -> None: """Delete all accounts from the bank. Parameters ---------- guild : discord.Guild The guild to clear accounts for. If unsupplied and the bank is per-server, all accounts in every guild will be wiped. """ if await is_global(): await _config.clear_all_users() else: await _config.clear_all_members(guild)
[docs]async def bank_prune(bot: Red, guild: discord.Guild = None, user_id: int = None) -> None: """Prune bank accounts from the bank. Parameters ---------- bot : Red The bot. guild : discord.Guild The guild to prune. This is required if the bank is set to local. user_id : int The id of the user whose account will be pruned. If supplied this will prune only this user's bank account otherwise it will prune all invalid users from the bank. Raises ------ BankPruneError If guild is :code:`None` and the bank is Local. """ global_bank = await is_global() if global_bank: _guilds = set() _uguilds = set() if user_id is None: async for g in AsyncIter(bot.guilds, steps=100): if not g.unavailable and g.large and not g.chunked: _guilds.add(g) elif g.unavailable: _uguilds.add(g) group = _config._get_base_group(_config.USER) else: if guild is None: raise BankPruneError("'guild' can't be None when pruning a local bank") if user_id is None: _guilds = {guild} if not guild.unavailable and guild.large else set() _uguilds = {guild} if guild.unavailable else set() group = _config._get_base_group(_config.MEMBER, str( if user_id is None: for _guild in _guilds: await _guild.chunk() accounts = await group.all() tmp = accounts.copy() members = bot.get_all_members() if global_bank else guild.members user_list = {str( for m in members if m.guild not in _uguilds} async with group.all() as bank_data: # FIXME: use-config-bulk-update if user_id is None: for acc in tmp: if acc not in user_list: del bank_data[acc] else: user_id = str(user_id) if user_id in bank_data: del bank_data[user_id]
[docs]async def get_leaderboard(positions: int = None, guild: discord.Guild = None) -> List[tuple]: """ Gets the bank's leaderboard Parameters ---------- positions : `int` The number of positions to get guild : discord.Guild The guild to get the leaderboard of. If the bank is global and this is provided, get only guild members on the leaderboard Returns ------- `list` of `tuple` The sorted leaderboard in the form of :code:`(user_id, raw_account)` Raises ------ TypeError If the bank is guild-specific and no guild was specified """ if await is_global(): raw_accounts = await _config.all_users() if guild is not None: tmp = raw_accounts.copy() for acc in tmp: if not guild.get_member(acc): del raw_accounts[acc] else: if guild is None: raise TypeError("Expected a guild, got NoneType object instead!") raw_accounts = await _config.all_members(guild) sorted_acc = sorted(raw_accounts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["balance"], reverse=True) if positions is None: return sorted_acc else: return sorted_acc[:positions]
[docs]async def get_leaderboard_position( member: Union[discord.User, discord.Member] ) -> Union[int, None]: """ Get the leaderboard position for the specified user Parameters ---------- member : `discord.User` or `discord.Member` The user to get the leaderboard position of Returns ------- `int` The position of the user on the leaderboard Raises ------ TypeError If the bank is currently guild-specific and a `discord.User` object was passed in """ if await is_global(): guild = None else: guild = member.guild if hasattr(member, "guild") else None try: leaderboard = await get_leaderboard(None, guild) except TypeError: raise else: pos = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x[1][0] ==, enumerate(leaderboard, 1)) if pos is None: return None else: return pos[0]
[docs]async def get_account(member: Union[discord.Member, discord.User]) -> Account: """Get the appropriate account for the given user or member. A member is required if the bank is currently guild specific. Parameters ---------- member : `discord.User` or `discord.Member` The user whose account to get. Returns ------- Account The user's account. """ if await is_global(): all_accounts = await _config.all_users() else: all_accounts = await _config.all_members(member.guild) if not in all_accounts: acc_data = {"name": member.display_name, "created_at": _DEFAULT_MEMBER["created_at"]} try: acc_data["balance"] = await get_default_balance(member.guild) except AttributeError: acc_data["balance"] = await get_default_balance() else: acc_data = all_accounts[] acc_data["created_at"] = _decode_time(acc_data["created_at"]) return Account(**acc_data)
[docs]async def is_global() -> bool: """Determine if the bank is currently global. Returns ------- bool :code:`True` if the bank is global, otherwise :code:`False`. """ global _cache_is_global if _cache_is_global is None: _cache_is_global = await _config.is_global() return _cache_is_global
[docs]async def set_global(global_: bool) -> bool: """Set global status of the bank. .. important:: All accounts are reset when you switch! Parameters ---------- global_ : bool :code:`True` will set bank to global mode. Returns ------- bool New bank mode, :code:`True` is global. Raises ------ RuntimeError If bank is becoming global and a `discord.Member` was not provided. """ if (await is_global()) is global_: return global_ global _cache_is_global if await is_global(): await _config.clear_all_users() else: await _config.clear_all_members() await _config.is_global.set(global_) _cache_is_global = global_ return global_
[docs]async def get_bank_name(guild: discord.Guild = None) -> str: """Get the current bank name. Parameters ---------- guild : `discord.Guild`, optional The guild to get the bank name for (required if bank is guild-specific). Returns ------- str The bank's name. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the bank is guild-specific and guild was not provided. """ if await is_global(): global _cache if _cache["bank_name"] is None: _cache["bank_name"] = await _config.bank_name() return _cache["bank_name"] elif guild is not None: return await _config.guild(guild).bank_name() else: raise RuntimeError("Guild parameter is required and missing.")
[docs]async def set_bank_name(name: str, guild: discord.Guild = None) -> str: """Set the bank name. Parameters ---------- name : str The new name for the bank. guild : `discord.Guild`, optional The guild to set the bank name for (required if bank is guild-specific). Returns ------- str The new name for the bank. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the bank is guild-specific and guild was not provided. """ if await is_global(): await _config.bank_name.set(name) global _cache _cache["bank_name"] = name elif guild is not None: await _config.guild(guild).bank_name.set(name) else: raise RuntimeError("Guild must be provided if setting the name of a guild-specific bank.") return name
[docs]async def get_currency_name(guild: discord.Guild = None) -> str: """Get the currency name of the bank. Parameters ---------- guild : `discord.Guild`, optional The guild to get the currency name for (required if bank is guild-specific). Returns ------- str The currency name. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the bank is guild-specific and guild was not provided. """ if await is_global(): global _cache if _cache["currency"] is None: _cache["currency"] = await _config.currency() return _cache["currency"] elif guild is not None: return await _config.guild(guild).currency() else: raise RuntimeError("Guild must be provided.")
[docs]async def set_currency_name(name: str, guild: discord.Guild = None) -> str: """Set the currency name for the bank. Parameters ---------- name : str The new name for the currency. guild : `discord.Guild`, optional The guild to set the currency name for (required if bank is guild-specific). Returns ------- str The new name for the currency. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the bank is guild-specific and guild was not provided. """ if await is_global(): await _config.currency.set(name) global _cache _cache["currency"] = name elif guild is not None: await _config.guild(guild).currency.set(name) else: raise RuntimeError( "Guild must be provided if setting the currency name of a guild-specific bank." ) return name
[docs]async def get_max_balance(guild: discord.Guild = None) -> int: """Get the max balance for the bank. Parameters ---------- guild : `discord.Guild`, optional The guild to get the max balance for (required if bank is guild-specific). Returns ------- int The maximum allowed balance. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the bank is guild-specific and guild was not provided. """ if await is_global(): if _cache["max_balance"] is None: _cache["max_balance"] = await _config.max_balance() return _cache["max_balance"] elif guild is not None: return await _config.guild(guild).max_balance() else: raise RuntimeError("Guild must be provided.")
[docs]async def set_max_balance(amount: int, guild: discord.Guild = None) -> int: """Set the maximum balance for the bank. Parameters ---------- amount : int The new maximum balance. guild : `discord.Guild`, optional The guild to set the max balance for (required if bank is guild-specific). Returns ------- int The new maximum balance. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the bank is guild-specific and guild was not provided. ValueError If the amount is less than 0 or higher than 2 ** 63 - 1. TypeError If the amount is not an `int`. """ if not isinstance(amount, int): raise TypeError("Amount must be of type int, not {}.".format(type(amount))) if not (0 < amount <= _MAX_BALANCE): raise ValueError( "Amount must be greater than zero and less than {max}.".format( max=humanize_number(_MAX_BALANCE, override_locale="en_US") ) ) if await is_global(): await _config.max_balance.set(amount) global _cache _cache["max_balance"] = amount elif guild is not None: await _config.guild(guild).max_balance.set(amount) else: raise RuntimeError( "Guild must be provided if setting the maximum balance of a guild-specific bank." ) return amount
[docs]async def get_default_balance(guild: discord.Guild = None) -> int: """Get the current default balance amount. Parameters ---------- guild : `discord.Guild`, optional The guild to get the default balance for (required if bank is guild-specific). Returns ------- int The bank's default balance. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the bank is guild-specific and guild was not provided. """ if await is_global(): if _cache["default_balance"] is None: _cache["default_balance"] = await _config.default_balance() return _cache["default_balance"] elif guild is not None: return await _config.guild(guild).default_balance() else: raise RuntimeError("Guild is missing and required!")
[docs]async def set_default_balance(amount: int, guild: discord.Guild = None) -> int: """Set the default balance amount. Parameters ---------- amount : int The new default balance. guild : `discord.Guild`, optional The guild to set the default balance for (required if bank is guild-specific). Returns ------- int The new default balance. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the bank is guild-specific and guild was not provided. ValueError If the amount is less than 0 or higher than the max allowed balance. TypeError If the amount is not an `int`. """ if not isinstance(amount, int): raise TypeError("Amount must be of type int, not {}.".format(type(amount))) max_bal = await get_max_balance(guild) if not (0 <= amount <= max_bal): raise ValueError( "Amount must be greater than or equal zero and less than or equal {max}.".format( max=humanize_number(max_bal, override_locale="en_US") ) ) if await is_global(): await _config.default_balance.set(amount) global _cache _cache["default_balance"] = amount elif guild is not None: await _config.guild(guild).default_balance.set(amount) else: raise RuntimeError("Guild is missing and required.") return amount
[docs]class AbortPurchase(Exception): pass
[docs]def cost(amount: int): """ Decorates a coroutine-function or command to have a cost. If the command raises an exception, the cost will be refunded. You can intentionally refund by raising `AbortPurchase` (this error will be consumed and not show to users) Other exceptions will propagate and will be handled by Red's (and/or any other configured) error handling. """ # TODO: Add documentation for input/output/exceptions if not isinstance(amount, int) or amount < 0: raise ValueError("This decorator requires an integer cost greater than or equal to zero") def deco(coro_or_command): is_command = isinstance(coro_or_command, commands.Command) if not is_command and not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro_or_command): raise TypeError("@bank.cost() can only be used on commands or `async def` functions") coro = coro_or_command.callback if is_command else coro_or_command @wraps(coro) async def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): context: commands.Context = None for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, commands.Context): context = arg break if not context.guild and not await is_global(): raise commands.UserFeedbackCheckFailure( _("Can't pay for this command in DM without a global bank.") ) try: await withdraw_credits(, amount) except Exception: credits_name = await get_currency_name(context.guild) raise commands.UserFeedbackCheckFailure( _("You need at least {cost} {currency} to use this command.").format( cost=humanize_number(amount), currency=credits_name ) ) else: try: return await coro(*args, **kwargs) except AbortPurchase: await deposit_credits(, amount) except Exception: await deposit_credits(, amount) raise if not is_command: return wrapped else: wrapped.__module__ = coro_or_command.callback.__module__ coro_or_command.callback = wrapped return coro_or_command return deco