
This document is for Red's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. If you're a regular user, you should read the Red documentation for the current stable release.

Source code for redbot.core.modlog

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import List, Literal, Union, Optional, cast, TYPE_CHECKING

import discord

from redbot.core import Config
from .utils import AsyncIter
from .utils.common_filters import (
from .utils.chat_formatting import bold, pagify
from .i18n import Translator, set_contextual_locales_from_guild

from .generic_casetypes import all_generics

    from redbot.core.bot import Red

log = logging.getLogger("red.core.modlog")

__all__ = (

_config: Optional[Config] = None
_bot_ref: Optional[Red] = None


_data_deletion_lock = asyncio.Lock()

_ = Translator("ModLog", __file__)

async def _process_data_deletion(
    *, requester: Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"], user_id: int
    if requester != "discord_deleted_user":

    # Oh, how I wish it was as simple as I wanted...

    key_paths = []

    async with _data_deletion_lock:
        all_cases = await _config.custom(_CASES).all()
        async for guild_id_str, guild_cases in AsyncIter(all_cases.items(), steps=100):
            async for case_num_str, case in AsyncIter(guild_cases.items(), steps=100):
                for keyname in ("user", "moderator", "amended_by"):
                    if (case.get(keyname, 0) or 0) == user_id:  # this could be None...
                        key_paths.append((guild_id_str, case_num_str))

        async with _config.custom(_CASES).all() as all_cases:
            for guild_id_str, case_num_str in key_paths:
                case = all_cases[guild_id_str][case_num_str]
                if (case.get("user", 0) or 0) == user_id:
                    case["user"] = 0xDE1
                    case.pop("last_known_username", None)
                if (case.get("moderator", 0) or 0) == user_id:
                    case["moderator"] = 0xDE1
                if (case.get("amended_by", 0) or 0) == user_id:
                    case["amended_by"] = 0xDE1

async def _init(bot: Red):
    global _config
    global _bot_ref
    _bot_ref = bot
    _config = Config.get_conf(None, 1354799444, cog_name="ModLog")
    _config.register_guild(mod_log=None, casetypes={}, latest_case_number=0)
    _config.init_custom(_CASETYPES, 1)
    _config.init_custom(_CASES, 2)
    await _migrate_config(from_version=await _config.schema_version(), to_version=_SCHEMA_VERSION)
    await register_casetypes(all_generics)

    async def on_audit_log_entry_create(entry: discord.AuditLogEntry):
        guild = entry.guild
        if guild.unavailable:
        if entry.action not in (discord.AuditLogAction.ban, discord.AuditLogAction.unban):

            await get_modlog_channel(guild)
        except RuntimeError:
            return  # No modlog channel so no point in continuing

        # Don't create modlog entires for the bot's own bans, cogs do this.
        if entry.user_id == guild.me.id:

        mod, reason, date = entry.user, entry.reason, entry.created_at
        await create_case(_bot_ref, guild, date, entry.action.name, entry.target, mod, reason)


async def handle_auditype_key():
    all_casetypes = {
        casetype_name: {
            inner_key: inner_value
            for inner_key, inner_value in casetype_data.items()
            if inner_key != "audit_type"
        for casetype_name, casetype_data in (await _config.custom(_CASETYPES).all()).items()
    await _config.custom(_CASETYPES).set(all_casetypes)

async def _migrate_config(from_version: int, to_version: int):
    if from_version == to_version:

    if from_version < 2 <= to_version:
        # casetypes go from GLOBAL -> casetypes to CASETYPES
        all_casetypes = await _config.get_raw("casetypes", default={})
        if all_casetypes:
            await _config.custom(_CASETYPES).set(all_casetypes)

        # cases go from GUILD -> guild_id -> cases to CASES -> guild_id -> cases
        all_guild_data = await _config.all_guilds()
        all_cases = {}
        for guild_id, guild_data in all_guild_data.items():
            guild_cases = guild_data.pop("cases", None)
            if guild_cases:
                all_cases[str(guild_id)] = guild_cases
        await _config.custom(_CASES).set(all_cases)

        # new schema is now in place
        await _config.schema_version.set(2)

        # migration done, now let's delete all the old stuff
        await _config.clear_raw("casetypes")
        for guild_id in all_guild_data:
            await _config.guild(cast(discord.Guild, discord.Object(id=guild_id))).clear_raw(

    if from_version < 3 <= to_version:
        await handle_auditype_key()
        await _config.schema_version.set(3)

    if from_version < 4 <= to_version:
        # set latest_case_number
        for guild_id, cases in (await _config.custom(_CASES).all()).items():
            if cases:
                await _config.guild(
                    cast(discord.Guild, discord.Object(id=guild_id))
                ).latest_case_number.set(max(map(int, cases.keys())))

        await _config.schema_version.set(4)

[docs]class Case: """ Case() A single mod log case This class should ONLY be instantiated by the modlog itself. Attributes ---------- bot: Red The bot object. guild: discord.Guild The guild the action was taken in. created_at: int The UNIX time the action occurred at. action_type: str The type of action that was taken. user: Union[discord.abc.User, int] The user target by the action. .. note:: This attribute will be of type `int` if the Discord user can no longer be found. moderator: Optional[Union[discord.abc.User, int]] The moderator who took the action. `None` if the moderator is unknown. .. note:: This attribute will be of type `int` if the Discord user can no longer be found. case_number: int The case's number. reason: Optional[str] The reason the action was taken. `None` if the reason was not specified. until: Optional[int] The UNIX time the action is in effect until. `None` if the action is permanent. channel: Optional[Union[discord.abc.GuildChannel, discord.Thread, int]] The channel the action was taken in. `None` if the action was not related to a channel. .. note:: This attribute will be of type `int` if the channel seems to no longer exist. parent_channel_id: Optional[int] The parent channel ID of the thread in ``channel``. `None` if the action was not done in a thread. amended_by: Optional[Union[discord.abc.User, int]] The moderator who made the last change to the case. `None` if the case was never edited. .. note:: This attribute will be of type `int` if the Discord user can no longer be found. modified_at: Optional[float] The UNIX time of the last change to the case. `None` if the case was never edited. message: Optional[Union[discord.PartialMessage, discord.Message]] The message created by Modlog for this case. Instance of `discord.Message` *if* the Case object was returned from `modlog.create_case()`, otherwise `discord.PartialMessage`. `None` if we know that the message no longer exists (note: it might not exist regardless of whether this attribute is `None`) or if it has never been created. last_known_username: Optional[str] The last known user handle (``username`` / ``username#1234``) of the user. `None` if the handle of the user was never saved or if their data had to be anonymized. """ def __init__( self, bot: Red, guild: discord.Guild, created_at: int, action_type: str, user: Union[discord.Object, discord.abc.User, int], moderator: Optional[Union[discord.Object, discord.abc.User, int]], case_number: int, reason: Optional[str] = None, until: Optional[int] = None, channel: Optional[Union[discord.abc.GuildChannel, discord.Thread, int]] = None, parent_channel_id: Optional[int] = None, amended_by: Optional[Union[discord.Object, discord.abc.User, int]] = None, modified_at: Optional[float] = None, message: Optional[Union[discord.PartialMessage, discord.Message]] = None, last_known_username: Optional[str] = None, ): self.bot = bot self.guild = guild self.created_at = created_at self.action_type = action_type self.user = user if isinstance(user, discord.Object): self.user = user.id self.last_known_username = last_known_username self.moderator = moderator if isinstance(moderator, discord.Object): self.moderator = moderator.id self.reason = reason self.until = until self.channel = channel self.parent_channel_id = parent_channel_id self.amended_by = amended_by if isinstance(amended_by, discord.Object): self.amended_by = amended_by.id self.modified_at = modified_at self.case_number = case_number self.message = message @property def parent_channel(self) -> Optional[Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.ForumChannel]]: """ The parent text/forum channel of the thread in `channel`. This will be `None` if `channel` is not a thread and when the parent text/forum channel is not in cache (probably due to removal). """ if self.parent_channel_id is None: return None return self.guild.get_channel(self.parent_channel_id) async def _set_message(self, message: discord.Message, /) -> None: # This should only be used for setting the message right after case creation # in order to avoid making an API request to "edit" the message with changes. # In all other cases, edit() is correct method. self.message = message await _config.custom(_CASES, str(self.guild.id), str(self.case_number)).set(self.to_json())
[docs] async def edit(self, data: dict): """ Edits a case Parameters ---------- data: dict The attributes to change """ # We don't want case_number to be changed data.pop("case_number", None) # last username is set based on passed user object data.pop("last_known_username", None) for item, value in data.items(): if item == "channel" and isinstance(value, discord.PartialMessageable): raise TypeError("Can't use PartialMessageable as the channel for a modlog case.") if isinstance(value, discord.Object): # probably expensive to call but meh should capture all cases setattr(self, item, value.id) else: setattr(self, item, value) # update last known user handle if not isinstance(self.user, int): self.last_known_username = str(self.user) if isinstance(self.channel, discord.Thread): self.parent_channel_id = self.channel.parent_id await _config.custom(_CASES, str(self.guild.id), str(self.case_number)).set(self.to_json()) self.bot.dispatch("modlog_case_edit", self) if not self.message: return try: use_embed = await self.bot.embed_requested(self.message.channel) case_content = await self.message_content(use_embed) if use_embed: await self.message.edit(embed=case_content) else: await self.message.edit(content=case_content) except discord.Forbidden: log.info( "Modlog failed to edit the Discord message for" " the case #%s from guild with ID %s due to missing permissions.", self.case_number, self.guild.id, ) except discord.NotFound: log.info( "Modlog failed to edit the Discord message for" " the case #%s from guild with ID %s as it no longer exists." " Clearing the message ID from case data...", self.case_number, self.guild.id, ) await self.edit({"message": None}) except Exception: log.exception( "Modlog failed to edit the Discord message for" " the case #%s from guild with ID %s due to unexpected error.", self.case_number, self.guild.id, )
[docs] async def message_content(self, embed: bool = True): """ Format a case message Parameters ---------- embed: bool Whether or not to get an embed Returns ------- discord.Embed or `str` A rich embed or string representing a case message """ casetype = await get_casetype(self.action_type) title = "{}".format( _("Case #{} | {} {}").format(self.case_number, casetype.case_str, casetype.image) ) reason = _("**Reason:** Use the `reason` command to add it") if self.moderator is None: moderator = _("Unknown") elif isinstance(self.moderator, int): # can't use _() inside f-string expressions, see bpo-36310 and red#3818 if self.moderator == 0xDE1: moderator = _("Deleted User.") else: translated = _("Unknown or Deleted User") moderator = f"[{translated}] ({self.moderator})" else: moderator = escape_spoilers(f"{self.moderator} ({self.moderator.id})") until = None duration = None if self.until: start = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.created_at, tz=timezone.utc) end = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.until, tz=timezone.utc) end_fmt = discord.utils.format_dt(end) duration = end - start dur_fmt = _strfdelta(duration) until = end_fmt duration = dur_fmt if self.amended_by is None: amended_by = None elif isinstance(self.amended_by, int): # can't use _() inside f-string expressions, see bpo-36310 and red#3818 if self.amended_by == 0xDE1: amended_by = _("Deleted User.") else: translated = _("Unknown or Deleted User") amended_by = f"[{translated}] ({self.amended_by})" else: amended_by = escape_spoilers(f"{self.amended_by} ({self.amended_by.id})") last_modified = None if self.modified_at: last_modified = discord.utils.format_dt( datetime.fromtimestamp(self.modified_at, tz=timezone.utc) ) if isinstance(self.user, int): if self.user == 0xDE1: user = _("Deleted User.") elif self.last_known_username is None: # can't use _() inside f-string expressions, see bpo-36310 and red#3818 translated = _("Unknown or Deleted User") user = f"[{translated}] ({self.user})" # Handle pomelo usernames stored before we updated our implementation elif self.last_known_username.endswith("#0"): user = f"{self.last_known_username[:-2]} ({self.user})" # New usernames can't contain `#` and old usernames couldn't either. elif len(self.last_known_username) <= 5 or self.last_known_username[-5] != "#": user = f"{self.last_known_username} ({self.user})" # Last known user handle is a legacy username with a discriminator else: # isolate the name so that the direction of the discriminator and ID aren't changed # See usage explanation here: https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#Formatting name = self.last_known_username[:-5] discriminator = self.last_known_username[-4:] user = ( f"\N{FIRST STRONG ISOLATE}{name}" f"\N{POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE}#{discriminator} ({self.user})" ) elif self.user.discriminator == "0": user = f"{self.user} ({self.user.id})" else: # isolate the name so that the direction of the discriminator and ID aren't changed # See usage explanation here: https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/#Formatting user = escape_spoilers( filter_invites( f"\N{FIRST STRONG ISOLATE}{self.user.name}" f"\N{POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE}#{self.user.discriminator} ({self.user.id})" ) ) # Invites and spoilers get rendered even in embeds. channel_value = None if isinstance(self.channel, int): if self.parent_channel_id is not None: if (parent_channel := self.parent_channel) is not None: channel_value = _( "Deleted or archived thread ({thread_id}) in {channel_name}" ).format(thread_id=self.channel, channel_name=parent_channel) else: channel_value = _("Thread {thread_id} in {channel_id} (deleted)").format( thread_id=self.channel, channel_id=self.parent_channel_id ) else: channel_value = _("{channel_id} (deleted)").format(channel_id=self.channel) elif self.channel is not None: channel_value = self.channel.name if self.parent_channel_id is not None: if (parent_channel := self.parent_channel) is not None: channel_value = _("Thread {thread_name} in {channel_name}").format( thread_name=self.channel, channel_name=parent_channel ) else: channel_value = _("Thread {thread_name} in {channel_id} (deleted)").format( thread_name=self.channel, channel_id=self.parent_channel_id ) if embed: if self.reason: reason = f"{bold(_('Reason:'))} {self.reason}" if len(reason) > 2048: reason = ( next( pagify( reason, delims=[" ", "\n"], page_length=2000, ) ) + "..." ) emb = discord.Embed(title=title, description=reason) emb.set_author(name=user) emb.add_field(name=_("Moderator"), value=moderator, inline=False) if until and duration: emb.add_field(name=_("Until"), value=until) emb.add_field(name=_("Duration"), value=duration) if channel_value: emb.add_field(name=_("Channel"), value=channel_value, inline=False) if amended_by: emb.add_field(name=_("Amended by"), value=amended_by) if last_modified: emb.add_field(name=_("Last modified at"), value=last_modified) emb.timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.created_at, tz=timezone.utc) return emb else: if self.reason: reason = f"{bold(_('Reason:'))} {self.reason}" if len(reason) > 1000: reason = ( next( pagify( reason, delims=[" ", "\n"], page_length=1000, ) ) + "..." ) user = filter_mass_mentions(filter_urls(user)) # Further sanitization outside embeds case_text = "" case_text += "{}\n".format(title) case_text += f"{bold(_('User:'))} {user}\n" case_text += f"{bold(_('Moderator:'))} {moderator}\n" case_text += "{}\n".format(reason) if until and duration: case_text += f"{bold(_('Until:'))} {until}\n{bold(_('Duration:'))} {duration}\n" if self.channel: if isinstance(self.channel, int): case_text += f"{bold(_('Channel:'))} {channel_value}\n" else: case_text += f"{bold(_('Channel:'))} {channel_value}\n" if amended_by: case_text += f"{bold(_('Amended by:'))} {amended_by}\n" if last_modified: case_text += f"{bold(_('Last modified at:'))} {last_modified}\n" return case_text.strip()
[docs] def to_json(self) -> dict: """Transform the object to a dict Returns ------- dict The case in the form of a dict """ if self.moderator is None or isinstance(self.moderator, int): mod = self.moderator else: mod = self.moderator.id if self.amended_by is None or isinstance(self.amended_by, int): amended_by = self.amended_by else: amended_by = self.amended_by.id if isinstance(self.user, int): user_id = self.user else: user_id = self.user.id data = { "case_number": self.case_number, "action_type": self.action_type, "guild": self.guild.id, "created_at": self.created_at, "user": user_id, "last_known_username": self.last_known_username, "moderator": mod, "reason": self.reason, "until": self.until, "channel": self.channel.id if hasattr(self.channel, "id") else None, "parent_channel": self.parent_channel_id, "amended_by": amended_by, "modified_at": self.modified_at, "message": self.message.id if hasattr(self.message, "id") else None, } return data
[docs] @classmethod async def from_json( cls, mod_channel: Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel, discord.StageChannel], bot: Red, case_number: int, data: dict, **kwargs, ): """Get a Case object from the provided information Parameters ---------- mod_channel: `discord.TextChannel` or `discord.VoiceChannel`, `discord.StageChannel` The mod log channel for the guild bot: Red The bot's instance. Needed to get the target user case_number: int The case's number. data: dict The JSON representation of the case to be gotten **kwargs Extra attributes for the Case instance which override values in the data dict. These should be complete objects and not IDs, where possible. Returns ------- Case The case object for the requested case Raises ------ `discord.NotFound` The user the case is for no longer exists `discord.Forbidden` Cannot read message history to fetch the original message. `discord.HTTPException` A generic API issue """ guild = kwargs.get("guild") or mod_channel.guild message = kwargs.get("message") if message is None: message_id = data.get("message") if message_id is not None: if mod_channel is not None: message = mod_channel.get_partial_message(message_id) user_objects = {"user": None, "moderator": None, "amended_by": None} for user_key in tuple(user_objects): user_object = kwargs.get(user_key) if user_object is None: user_id = data.get(user_key) if user_id is None: user_object = None else: user_object = bot.get_user(user_id) or user_id user_objects[user_key] = user_object channel = ( kwargs.get("channel") or guild.get_channel_or_thread(data["channel"]) or data["channel"] ) case_guild = kwargs.get("guild") or bot.get_guild(data["guild"]) return cls( bot=bot, guild=case_guild, created_at=data["created_at"], action_type=data["action_type"], case_number=case_number, reason=data["reason"], until=data["until"], channel=channel, parent_channel_id=data.get("parent_channel_id"), modified_at=data["modified_at"], message=message, last_known_username=data.get("last_known_username"), **user_objects, )
[docs]class CaseType: """ A single case type This class should ONLY be instantiated by the modlog itself. Attributes ---------- name: str The name of the case default_setting: bool Whether the case type should be on (if `True`) or off (if `False`) by default image: str The emoji to use for the case type (for example, :boot:) case_str: str The string representation of the case (example: Ban) """ def __init__( self, name: str, default_setting: bool, image: str, case_str: str, guild: Optional[discord.Guild] = None, **kwargs, ): self.name = name self.default_setting = default_setting self.image = image self.case_str = case_str self.guild = guild if "audit_type" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("audit_type", None) log.warning( "Fix this using the hidden command: `modlogset fixcasetypes` in Discord: " "Got outdated key in casetype: audit_type" ) if kwargs: log.warning("Got unexpected key(s) in casetype: %s", ",".join(kwargs.keys()))
[docs] async def to_json(self): """Transforms the case type into a dict and saves it""" data = { "default_setting": self.default_setting, "image": self.image, "case_str": self.case_str, } await _config.custom(_CASETYPES, self.name).set(data)
[docs] async def is_enabled(self) -> bool: """ Determines if the case is enabled. If the guild is not set, this will always return False Returns ------- bool: True if the guild is set and the casetype is enabled for the guild False if the guild is not set or if the guild is set and the type is disabled """ if not self.guild: return False return await _config.guild(self.guild).casetypes.get_raw( self.name, default=self.default_setting )
[docs] async def set_enabled(self, enabled: bool): """ Sets the case as enabled or disabled Parameters ---------- enabled: bool True if the case should be enabled, otherwise False""" if not self.guild: return await _config.guild(self.guild).casetypes.set_raw(self.name, value=enabled)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, name: str, data: dict, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- name : str The casetype's name. data : dict The JSON data to create an instance from **kwargs Values for other attributes of the instance Returns ------- CaseType The case type object created from given data. """ data_copy = data.copy() data_copy.pop("name", None) return cls(name=name, **data_copy, **kwargs)
[docs]async def get_case(case_number: int, guild: discord.Guild, bot: Red) -> Case: """ Gets the case with the associated case number Parameters ---------- case_number: int The case number for the case to get guild: discord.Guild The guild to get the case from bot: Red The bot's instance Returns ------- Case The case associated with the case number Raises ------ RuntimeError If there is no case for the specified number """ case = await _config.custom(_CASES, str(guild.id), str(case_number)).all() if not case: raise RuntimeError("That case does not exist for guild {}".format(guild.name)) try: mod_channel = await get_modlog_channel(guild) except RuntimeError: mod_channel = None return await Case.from_json(mod_channel, bot, case_number, case, guild=guild)
[docs]async def get_latest_case(guild: discord.Guild, bot: Red) -> Optional[Case]: """Get the latest case for the specified guild. Parameters ---------- guild : discord.Guild The guild to get the latest case for. bot : Red The bot object. Returns ------- Optional[Case] The latest case object. `None` if it the guild has no cases. """ case_number = await _config.guild(guild).latest_case_number() if case_number: return await get_case(case_number, guild, bot)
[docs]async def get_all_cases(guild: discord.Guild, bot: Red) -> List[Case]: """ Gets all cases for the specified guild Parameters ---------- guild: `discord.Guild` The guild to get the cases from bot: Red The bot's instance Returns ------- list A list of all cases for the guild """ cases = await _config.custom(_CASES, str(guild.id)).all() try: mod_channel = await get_modlog_channel(guild) except RuntimeError: mod_channel = None return [ await Case.from_json(mod_channel, bot, case_number, case_data, guild=guild) for case_number, case_data in cases.items() ]
[docs]async def get_cases_for_member( guild: discord.Guild, bot: Red, *, member: discord.Member = None, member_id: int = None ) -> List[Case]: """ Gets all cases for the specified member or member id in a guild. Parameters ---------- guild: `discord.Guild` The guild to get the cases from bot: Red The bot's instance member: `discord.Member` The member to get cases about member_id: int The id of the member to get cases about Returns ------- list A list of all matching cases. Raises ------ ValueError If at least one of member or member_id is not provided `discord.Forbidden` The bot does not have permission to fetch the modlog message which was sent. `discord.HTTPException` Fetching the user failed. """ cases = await _config.custom(_CASES, str(guild.id)).all() if not (member_id or member): raise ValueError("Expected a member or a member id to be provided.") from None if not member_id: member_id = member.id if not member: member = bot.get_user(member_id) or member_id try: modlog_channel = await get_modlog_channel(guild) except RuntimeError: modlog_channel = None cases = [ await Case.from_json(modlog_channel, bot, case_number, case_data, user=member, guild=guild) for case_number, case_data in cases.items() if case_data["user"] == member_id ] return cases
[docs]async def create_case( bot: Red, guild: discord.Guild, created_at: datetime, action_type: str, user: Union[discord.Object, discord.abc.User, int], moderator: Optional[Union[discord.Object, discord.abc.User, int]] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None, until: Optional[datetime] = None, channel: Optional[Union[discord.abc.GuildChannel, discord.Thread]] = None, last_known_username: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[Case]: """ Creates a new case. This fires an event :code:`on_modlog_case_create` Parameters ---------- bot: Red The bot object guild: discord.Guild The guild the action was taken in created_at: datetime The time the action occurred at. If naive `datetime` object is passed, it's treated as a local time (similarly to how Python treats naive `datetime` objects). action_type: str The type of action that was taken user: Union[discord.Object, discord.abc.User, int] The user target by the action moderator: Optional[Union[discord.Object, discord.abc.User, int]] The moderator who took the action reason: Optional[str] The reason the action was taken until: Optional[datetime] The time the action is in effect until. If naive `datetime` object is passed, it's treated as a local time (similarly to how Python treats naive `datetime` objects). channel: Optional[Union[discord.abc.GuildChannel, discord.Thread]] The channel the action was taken in last_known_username: Optional[str] The last known user handle (``username`` / ``username#1234``) of the user Note: This is ignored if a Member or User object is provided in the user field Raises ------ ValueError If the action type is not a valid action type. RuntimeError If user is the bot itself. TypeError If ``channel`` is of type `discord.PartialMessageable`. """ case_type = await get_casetype(action_type, guild) if case_type is None: raise ValueError(f"{action_type} is not a valid action type.") if not await case_type.is_enabled(): return user_id = user if isinstance(user, int) else user.id if user_id == bot.user.id: raise RuntimeError("The bot itself can not be the target of a modlog entry.") if isinstance(channel, discord.PartialMessageable): raise TypeError("Can't use PartialMessageable as the channel for a modlog case.") parent_channel_id = channel.parent_id if isinstance(channel, discord.Thread) else None async with _config.guild(guild).latest_case_number.get_lock(): # We're getting the case number from config, incrementing it, awaiting something, then # setting it again. This warrants acquiring the lock. next_case_number = await _config.guild(guild).latest_case_number() + 1 case = Case( bot, guild, int(created_at.timestamp()), action_type, user, moderator, next_case_number, reason, int(until.timestamp()) if until else None, channel, parent_channel_id, amended_by=None, modified_at=None, message=None, last_known_username=last_known_username, ) await _config.custom(_CASES, str(guild.id), str(next_case_number)).set(case.to_json()) await _config.guild(guild).latest_case_number.set(next_case_number) await set_contextual_locales_from_guild(bot, guild) bot.dispatch("modlog_case_create", case) try: mod_channel = await get_modlog_channel(case.guild) use_embeds = await case.bot.embed_requested(mod_channel) case_content = await case.message_content(use_embeds) if use_embeds: msg = await mod_channel.send(embed=case_content) else: msg = await mod_channel.send(case_content) await case._set_message(msg) except RuntimeError: # modlog channel isn't set pass except discord.Forbidden: log.info( "Modlog failed to edit the Discord message for" " the case #%s from guild with ID due to missing permissions." ) except Exception: log.exception( "Modlog failed to send the Discord message for" " the case #%s from guild with ID %s due to unexpected error.", case.case_number, case.guild.id, ) return case
[docs]async def get_casetype(name: str, guild: Optional[discord.Guild] = None) -> Optional[CaseType]: """ Gets the case type Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the case type to get guild: Optional[discord.Guild] If provided, sets the case type's guild attribute to this guild Returns ------- Optional[CaseType] Case type with provided name. If such case type doesn't exist this will be `None`. """ data = await _config.custom(_CASETYPES, name).all() if not data: return casetype = CaseType.from_json(name, data) casetype.guild = guild return casetype
[docs]async def get_all_casetypes(guild: discord.Guild = None) -> List[CaseType]: """ Get all currently registered case types Returns ------- list A list of case types """ return [ CaseType.from_json(name, data, guild=guild) for name, data in (await _config.custom(_CASETYPES).all()).items() ]
[docs]async def register_casetype( name: str, default_setting: bool, image: str, case_str: str ) -> CaseType: """ Registers a case type. If the case type exists and there are differences between the values passed and what is stored already, the case type will be updated with the new values Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the case default_setting: bool Whether the case type should be on (if `True`) or off (if `False`) by default image: str The emoji to use for the case type (for example, :boot:) case_str: str The string representation of the case (example: Ban) Returns ------- CaseType The case type that was registered Raises ------ RuntimeError If the case type is already registered TypeError If a parameter is missing ValueError If a parameter's value is not valid """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError("The 'name' is not a string! Check the value!") if not isinstance(default_setting, bool): raise ValueError("'default_setting' needs to be a bool!") if not isinstance(image, str): raise ValueError("The 'image' is not a string!") if not isinstance(case_str, str): raise ValueError("The 'case_str' is not a string!") ct = await get_casetype(name) if ct is None: casetype = CaseType(name, default_setting, image, case_str) await casetype.to_json() return casetype else: # Case type exists, so check for differences # If no differences, raise RuntimeError changed = False if ct.default_setting != default_setting: ct.default_setting = default_setting changed = True if ct.image != image: ct.image = image changed = True if ct.case_str != case_str: ct.case_str = case_str changed = True if changed: await ct.to_json() return ct else: raise RuntimeError("That case type is already registered!")
[docs]async def register_casetypes(new_types: List[dict]) -> List[CaseType]: """ Registers multiple case types Parameters ---------- new_types: list The new types to register Returns ------- bool `True` if all were registered successfully Raises ------ KeyError ValueError AttributeError See Also -------- redbot.core.modlog.register_casetype """ type_list = [] for new_type in new_types: try: ct = await register_casetype(**new_type) except RuntimeError: # We pass here because RuntimeError signifies the case was # already registered. pass else: type_list.append(ct) else: return type_list
[docs]async def get_modlog_channel( guild: discord.Guild, ) -> Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel, discord.StageChannel]: """ Get the current modlog channel. Parameters ---------- guild: `discord.Guild` The guild to get the modlog channel for. Returns ------- `discord.TextChannel`, `discord.VoiceChannel`, or `discord.StageChannel` The channel object representing the modlog channel. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the modlog channel is not found. """ if hasattr(guild, "get_channel"): channel = guild.get_channel(await _config.guild(guild).mod_log()) else: # For unit tests only channel = await _config.guild(guild).mod_log() if channel is None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get the mod log channel!") return channel
[docs]async def set_modlog_channel( guild: discord.Guild, channel: Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel, discord.StageChannel, None], ) -> bool: """ Changes the modlog channel Parameters ---------- guild: `discord.Guild` The guild to set a mod log channel for channel: `discord.TextChannel`, `discord.VoiceChannel`, `discord.StageChannel`, or `None` The channel to be set as modlog channel Returns ------- bool `True` if successful """ await _config.guild(guild).mod_log.set(channel.id if hasattr(channel, "id") else None) return True
[docs]async def reset_cases(guild: discord.Guild) -> None: """ Wipes all modlog cases for the specified guild. Parameters ---------- guild: `discord.Guild` The guild to reset cases for """ await _config.custom(_CASES, str(guild.id)).clear() await _config.guild(guild).latest_case_number.clear()
def _strfdelta(delta): s = [] if delta.days: ds = "%i day" % delta.days if delta.days > 1: ds += "s" s.append(ds) hrs, rem = divmod(delta.seconds, 60 * 60) if hrs: hs = "%i hr" % hrs if hrs > 1: hs += "s" s.append(hs) mins, secs = divmod(rem, 60) if mins: s.append("%i min" % mins) if secs: s.append("%i sec" % secs) return " ".join(s)